In an effort to “flatten the curve,” global health experts have recommended that people stay at home for at least two weeks to combat the exponential spread of COVID-19. Communities are enforcing social distancing and shelter-in-place policies to limit the virus’s ability to spread amongst populations and avoid overwhelming the health care system’s ability to respond.

During this social isolation period, it is particularly important that family caregivers keep aging loved ones at home as much as possible. With self-isolating as the new normal, your parent may be missing their usual outings with family, bridge games, religious services, book clubs, or just casual social visits. We’ve compiled a list of online activities to help keep the mind and body busy during the coronavirus outbreak.

Activities for elderly parents during the coronavirus lockdown:

See more ideas: How Caregivers Are Coping With Sheltering in Place

Caring for the Caregiver During Coronavirus

Caregivers need to maintain their own health and sanity during these uncertain times. Even if only for short intervals, finding an activity in which to engage your parent will allow for periods of respite throughout the day. Use this time to recharge yourself by doing some sort of restorative activity. Take a walk, get a breath of fresh air or have a quick phone call with a friend. An online forum is a great way for a caregiver to connect with others while social distancing. Use the AgingCare Caregiver Forum to share, vent and provide support while we all get through this together.

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