Charlie and I moved to our senior retirement community four years ago. At the time we had every intention of purchasing the two-level condo as soon as our property in western New York sold.

In the meantime, we were renters with an option to buy. Now, four years have passed, our property sold long ago, and we have become comfortable with being renters.

But, Charlie being Charlie, has become obsessed with the idea that we should buy our condo.

Yes, the rent is high, but whenever an appliance dies it's not our problem – and several have bit the dust since we moved here. When the plumbing fails, we don't have to call the plumber – not our problem. If the air conditioning quits on a 98° day – the company has to deal with it, not us. When the roof needs replacing (the roof is twelve years old and due) the association will be responsible.

There is a lot to be said for renting, especially for senior citizens.

At least once a week Charlie tells me we should talk to the owners about buying our condo. I keep making excuses and putting him off. He just doesn't understand that becoming new property owners at age 79 and 77 really doesn't make too much sense. Something could happen to either one of us at any time and that could mean a long-term care facility of one type or another for one or both of us.

Senior living options are a difficult decision for the elderly. There are so many things to consider, not the least of which is finances.

Ideally, if and when we leave here, we will be able to buy into a facility in the area with extended care options, but we aren't ready for that at this point. However, it is unrealistic for us to think that neither of us will, at some time, require this type of care.

Many condos in our retirement community are currently for sale as the owners have moved on to extended care facilities. And the problem is, the places are not selling. So it really doesn't make any sense for us to buy our condo knowing that sooner, rather than later, we would probably have to sell it and move on.

How do I get this across to Charlie? I don't. I just keep trying to ignore the issue!

As you or your loved ones, face a similar decision, try to look at the long-term problems. Nothing lasts forever. Hopefully, you will be able to make a decision that is in your own or your loved ones best interests.

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