I'm new, just coming accross this site yesterday. I'm very glad I found it.
My main concern is for my mother. She is a wonderful woman rapidly declining. Her husband of many years is in a nursing home near her, in the last stages of cancer. She is alone in a dumpy house, out in the middle of nowhere. I am an hour and a half away.
I call her everyday, and go to the house most weekends. this has been going on for 9 months now, and this situation just seems to deterierate everyday. It's so very stressful for me and my sister. We do the best we can.
It's beginning to affect my moods, my work. I'm so stressed most of the time...I dont know how long things can go on like this, yet I see no end in site.
Thanks, all of you for being here. I look forward to many visits to this site. Best, Maureen
Nance made a suggestion you could check out. If you have siblings, taking turns will definitely relieve some of the stress. So will a "me clock." In other words, try to take care of yourself.
The cycle of life can be quite cruel, particularly when we are practically helpless and have no choice but to stand in the sidelines and watch as our parents complete it. For now, all that's left is making arrangements and preparing for what's to come. Time, in my opinion, doesn't heal all wounds. Some are so deep you have no choice but to learn to live with them. But when you remember the good times, when there was love, nurturing, respect, and gratitude, accepting the loss of a loved one becomes much easier.
Don't be a stranger now. We are also your family, so keep us posted.
-- ED
Hang in there and learn from all who are going through the same thing.
Good luck to you.