My MIL has impossible feet to fit. Last year I spent an entire day and traveled about 200 miles to visit nearly every specialty shoe store in our area only to find that she could not be fitted with shoes - her feet are just too fat and swollen (bunions, too!). She has forgotten this trip and wants to do a repeat performance - which I refuse to do.
We have also done the orthopedic shoes from the podiatrist - expensive - and she refuses to wear them. She says they 'hurt' her feet - we think she just thinks they are ugly. Unfortunately, what else do you do for ugly, swollen beyond belief, feet?
She is diabetic and SHOULD wear shoes at all times and she doesn't. Her feet are a mess. She still crams them into a 15 year old pair of lace ups that have sort of 'stretched with her' over the years - but they are nearly worn out. Her feet just sort of hang over the tops.
She gets these magazines in the mail and wants to order shoes from them. We have tried that a couple times and I have also ordered shoes from a couple times - but we must always send them back - losing money on postage each time. She just cannot wear a normal shoe anymore. That's what she wants and it just isn't possible anymore. Her arch is nearly 5 inches high - with swelling. Her feet look like little fat clubs - like she is walking on 4x4's..
If any one knows where a person can find some fashionable looking stretch fabric/lycra shoes for impossibly hard to fit feet - she would need an 8.5 and VERY WIDE and the height of the shoe is also a problem due to the swelling.
Her foot doctor has talked until he is blue in the face.
Orthopedic shoes from the podiatrist are the ONLY solution to her shoe problem. Yes, they look big. They ARE big. Her feet ARE big. Even on good days her foot is easily 2-3 times the size of mine.
When the health fails - a person has to 'accept' the way things are and go with it. It took her years for her to reluctantly - VERY reluctantly - accept that these were the only shoes that she could get her feet into.
Believe me, I ordered so many shoes online - Mary Janes, ballet flats (thinking they would not need to go over her fat instep - wrong - they wouldn't even go over her fat toes.) We went to every Special shoe store in our huge Metro area and found nothing that would come close to fitting her. After spending 8 hours running to all these stores - a year later she asked me to do it again - take her to a few shoe stores. SHE FORGOT WE DID IT ALREADY!! I have no intention of putting in another day like that one ever again. Her health has further declined - she seriously could not spend a day getting in and out of a car any more anyway.
She won't even consider Tennis shoes of any kind. Doubt any would come even close to going onto her feet anyway.
She wears the orthopedic shoes on the rare trips she takes to the doctor and occasionally out to eat. She is getting more and more unsteady on her feet (losing her leg strength) and we are going to have the N.H. talk with her doctor soon.
Hubs and I both have bad shoulders and backs and I have other health issues that I did not have year ago and preclude any kind of lifting. Hubs has had shoulder surgery and cannot lift either. She is a very heavy girl. It is time to consider alternatives - at least to know our options - as the time is coming - we can see it coming. :0/
I have stopped searching online for shoes for her. She has finally accepted the orthopedic shoes. Even they can barely fasten on bad days. But most of the time they are adequate.
I think it just took her a good long while to 'accept' that she had to wear shoes that were no longer the least bit pretty. I told her there wasn't anything pretty about having her feet crammed into small shoes with her swollen ankles lopping over the sides. That she needed support and safety. She has finally accepted this. It took YEARS. Thanks everyone. Hope you all have success finding 'just the right shoe' too. :0) It isn't easy.
Bless you for working on this. Decent comfortable shoes can make a difference in a person's outlook!
Would you mind coming back and starting a new thread on what you finally get and how they work? We learn from each other!
My MIL is going to go visit her sister at her ALF in Arizona in January 2014. So, I reposted a couple weeks ago - so you guys are not answering my OLD post (necessarily).
Anyway, I swore I would never order another pair of shoes online for her - but I have :0( They are a ballet flat with elastic all around. They are extra wide - but I am afraid with her edema - the toe box will be too small.
Since my original post - her doctor put her on a diuretic that helps some - at least her legs don't look as though they will spit open at any moment anymore. But, she still has extremely swollen feet and the puffiness starts at the base of her toes!!
So, What I am thinking is we will try another pair of orthotic shoes from the foot doctor. She goes again next week. I think I read somewhere that Medicare will help pay for one pair per year. I think after Medicare and her supplement paid - she had to pay something like $75 last time. Maybe she can get a pair of Mary Janes that will look a little 'cuter.' We can hope. I feel sorry for her - but all of this searching and ordering - with nothing working - is MADDENING!
Right now - the ONLY shoes she can cram her feet into are the shoes from the foot doctor. I told her she has worn them so little - that she has never given herself a chance to get used to how they feel and how she must walk when wearing them. I suggested she wear them every day for a while and see if she can get used to them. So, she has worn them for a couple of hours a day for 2-3 days. Not enough - but it is a step forward.
She asked me to see if I could find some house slipper for her to wear. i am just afraid if I buy mens house slippers (the only ones wide enough - and even they do not look like they are deep enough for her fat tootsies) that they could end up being clumsier than these orthotic shoes she has now. They are by far 'safer' - they at least won't slip off. She has very narrow heels - so I think mens house slipper will just be BIG -
We will try again with the foot doctor. Thank you to all who have responded. I do appreciate your input - more than you know.
My mums legs swell up she is diabetic and actually has nice feet? Her main problem is walking she wont walk anywhere when she does walk then her feet swell up simply due to lack of excercise and bad circulation but she wont listen.
IF ANYONE KNOWS OF ANY HOUSE SLIPPERS that might work - to wear around her sister's ALF (she will be visiting her sister there for a while) that would be great. Something that could pass for 'shoes' :0)
If I could find some decent looking stretch slippers with non slip bottoms - maybe she could wear them - but I have no idea where to look. I ordered some from Dr. Leonards last year and had to send them back. Her feet are Huge. Top to bottom they are over 4'' high! No arch - just one big fat foot and numb to boot! She really is in a predicament. She absolutely will not wear the ortho shoes :0(
So, anyone got any new ideas since the last time I posted?