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Ivorybird Posted March 2012

I need to find some activities for my recently widowed mom who is 76.

We live in Aston, Pa and although mom can drive during the day, she has trouble walking and getting around. (Bad knees/back, etc.) She went to the Surrey house in Media one time and did not like it. It's been almost 6 months since my dad died and she is lost- My husband (and grown children who stop by) are the only forms of socializing. I'm finding that she'd losing her social/conversation skills as it builds up all day until we return from work.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Charlottelim Jul 2012
If your sibling are staying around the same city, may be it is good to encourage your sibling to jointly conduct some outdoor activities on a weekend together with your mum. Fresh air and sunlight have positive energy impact in your mother situation. I learned a few tricks from a webpage of on my mother - we do gardening together. We talked over the phone what to plant in the coming week, and she will schedule what preparation needed. It keep her occupied during the weekday when the children are working. It took us slightly 2months to accompany her and she regain her energy to move on. Just a thought of sharing my experiences.

jeannegibbs Mar 2012
Is there a senior center in her community? She'll probably object that that is for old people, but convince her to check it out. They vary greatly, of course, but as an example ours welcomes drop-ins and they also have scheduled activities like light exercises or book discussions. Some play cards. There is always a jig saw puzzle in progress. They serve an inexpensive hot lunch every day and the coffee pot is always on. They sponsor outings, like bussing people to matinee play performances. I think you should encourage her to try Surrey House again, maybe with you accompanying her, or to see if there are other senior centers in the area that would be more her style. One visit is probably not enough to make a judgement, especially if she was not ready to consider getting out and socializing at the time.

What about volunteering? My aunt was a teacher's aide in an elementary school in her 80s. She listened to kids read, she read to them, and mostly, she says, she dispensed hugs. A local school district invites seniors in to pair up with junior high students and teach them cribbage. I don't know what is available in her community, but there is bound to be a range of activities she could get into. Help her research them.

Trouble walking is an issue she'll have to work around. Being able to drive during the day is a real asset. Good luck as you help her adjust to this part of her life journey!


Ivorybird Mar 2012
Thanks Nancy-My mom doesn't have any friends and, unfortunately, we're not associated with any church so I'm looking for local senior groups. Although she's forgetful, dementia is not an issue...yet. But I'll take your advice and look into some churches in the area. Good luck with your mother-in-law-You're not alone!

NancyH Mar 2012
Did you mother have friends outside of just her family? Sounds like maybe she didn't. My mother-in-law always prided herself when she used to tell me ' I don't need anyone except my family'. As if that was a good thing, not to have girlfriends or whatever. Well now that her husband has died, it's back onto her family ONLY. I don't mind so much being the primary person that she does stuff with, but it would've been nice if she'd had a woman friend she could've been close to. I'd say get your mother into a church where they have a big senior presence. We go to a small community church, and take m-i-l with us. Everyone knows her name, and I try to get her to the senior lunches etc once a month at least. If your mother doesn't have dementia/alz like my mother-in-law does, there's no excuse for her not to be making friends at her age. At least she can REMEMBER who she just met. ha


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