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innocent1 Posted April 2015


I care for a 90 year old lady who recently fell and got a black eye from falling. After she fell I made her she was okay notified her son and granddaughter of the fall took a picture and sent it to all of them. I even sent it to the care giver coming on after me who said that everything was ok soon after that the family decided a
they wanted to fire her for stealing money the Dr has said she's a fall hazard and this caregiver has seen her fall when she doesn't get her way she'll throw herself down now that she's bee
.n terminated she's hollering abuse knowing that it wasn't. I believe the sheriff wants to convict me. and send me to jail but so far he's only taken statements the family doesn't want me to go to jail they asked me not to quit the APS lady is getting one more statement from the family tomorrow then I'll probably get arrested if they know she's a fall hazard will they look at that or does it automatically mean I did it. I supposedly was rude and yelled at her I yelled to be heard because she's deaf what do y'all think.

CinnVeet65 May 2015
Innocent I am checking in on you. I hope you are well. I feel if you lost your cool and did yell at this old woman and it was recorded. The judge will hear what you were responding to. This is your first offense and you won't get any time. Get with your Dr. and let him know so you can get into a program and the judge can also agree on some type of program as well to. I wish you the best of luck.

BarbBrooklyn May 2015
Yes. Stop reading horror stories on the net and talk to your lawyer and your doctor.


innocent2 Apr 2015

innocent2 Apr 2015
Thank you I probably should stop reading what I find on the net each cash is different.

vstefans Apr 2015
Innocent2, you either will or you won't end up with jail time. And yes, living with uncertainty about the future sucks. I try to cultivate faith and equanimity, and firmly and deeply believe in trusting God with my future. But I am going to confess something - last Thursday, we were told we had an emergency meeting yesterday in the afternoon after clinic and it was likely to be bad was HARD to just wait for it through the weekend, and the nature of the issue was not forthcoming even though I pointed out it was stressful not to know. I was told only it was nothing I had done wrong personally, which was my deepest fear. SO I fully, fully understand your wishing someone could reassure you there will be no consequences for you. As I all too often pray for myself, that somehow God will make it OK when I am running late or have failed to do something else I probably ought to have done, I will pray for at least that much mercy for you as well. I will ask you to believe that fear is not the answer and that whenever one door becomes closed to you, a new one will be opened so that you can go on to live a better life than you have now.

You will not know until your day in court and your public defender is required by law to make the time for your defense.

innocent2 Apr 2015
What I meant was I wont get outta this withoyt time

innocent2 Apr 2015
I agree

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2015
How would we know "what judge won't give you time"? We've only heard your (several) versions of the story.

Im not sure what your lawyer doesn't have time to do? Explain this to you over and over? Take the advice of your lawyer and your psychiatrist. Get on meds, get therapy and find a different line of work. You don't sound as though you are tempermentally suited to caregiving.

innocent2 Apr 2015
I didnt finish yhe post but fine

innocent2 Apr 2015

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
I give up innocent - I have tried to explain things to you. If you dont understand then you have to go to your doctor and tell hime/her that they are all talking to you and you dont understand. you may need to have someone withyou to support you and that may need to be a nursing professional by the sounds of it. Bipolarity can make it difficult for you to listen and hear what people are telling you. ASK YOUR LAWYER - We cannot help you in this matter

innocent2 Apr 2015
What judge wont give me time

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
Right Georgia on elder abuse original and simplified:

Authored By: Atlanta Legal Aid Society Inc LSC Funded Information

Elder abuse is a term referring to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Under Georgia law, abuse may be:

·Physical Abuse - Inflicting, or threatening to inflict, physical pain or injury on a vulnerable elder,depriving them of a basic need, or non-consensual sexual contact of any kind.

·Emotional Abuse - Inflicting mental pain, anguish, or distress on an elder through verbal or nonverbal acts.

·Neglect - Failing to provide essential services that results in harm or threatens to harm elders.

·Financial Exploitation - The illegal or improper use of an elder's resources for another's profit or gain.


If you harm and elderly person or put them in danger then you could be accused and charge with abuse

If you actually hurt or threaten to hurt or do something to them they have not said yes to then you could be accused and charged with abuse

If you dont give them something they may need (like giving them their walking frame when they need it) then you could be accused and charged with abuse

If you have sex with an elderly person that they have not agreed to you certainly will be accused and charged with abuse

If you threaten someone with harm even if you dont touch them or you shout at them in a way that makes them worried or scared then you could be accused and charged with abuse

If you dont feed them properly and regularly and help them feed themselves or feed them in a way that they can eat without choking then you could be accused and charged with abuse (ooften happens in very large institutions where the food is brought on a tray , the person cant feed themselves and none come to feed them and then the tray is taken away, untouched. The same would apply to drinks.

If you use the elderly person's money without their consent (or the consent of the POA) to but asomething for yourself or someone else even if this was only a bag of sweets or your bus fare then you could be charged with financial abuse

So there ya go that what georgia Law says and that is about as simple as I can make it. BUT when you make things simple as I just did then it doesn't cover everything the law does so as we have all said before TALK TO YOUR LAWYER

innocent2 Apr 2015
The public defender may not have time

innocent2 Apr 2015
This just got blown way outta hand

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2015
Your lawyer is there to explain what is going on and to advise you. Tell your lawyer the truth without any embellishments.

gladimhere Apr 2015
Innocent, use your attorney, most of us here ate not able to interpret the law.

innocent2 Apr 2015
You'll have to look up the law i cant understand it

innocent2 Apr 2015

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
I am now confused yelled at and yelled to are totally different concepts. yelling to someone because they are deaf is one thing yelling at someone which may have resulted in them being frightened is something else entirely. You started your convos saying she was deaf and thats why you yelled - I would have said that I was speaking to her very loudly so she could hear me. Then it turned to yell at. If you change your story as often as you have on here you are likely to have a problem for yelling at someone for being hateful is not acceptable if they have dementia - they simply dont know they are being hateful. And you can yell as much as you want but that disease aint gonna hear you

gladimhere Apr 2015
Talk to your attorney about a guilty plea in exchange for medication oversight bu a physician, classes in anger management, and community service.

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2015
Innocent, where is "here" and who is telling you that yelling can get you 1 to 5?

Countrymouse Apr 2015
I'm hoping that any jury members you might be telling your story to have themselves had to deal with difficult elders. You deserve a fair hearing.

innocent2 Apr 2015
Im hoping my defense will get me a year.

innocent2 Apr 2015
I yelled at a lady over 65 so here that can get you 1-5

vstefans Apr 2015
That does not sound that bad at all if those were your exact words, and I doubt you would be in much trouble for that...unless you'd used much stronger language to covey that sentiment. I can only imagine how painful it might be to admit if that's the case, but whatever really happened you will have to face up to it.

innocent2 Apr 2015
I yelled at her to hush and stop being hateful.

vstefans Apr 2015
I think we did not write any more because we may not have anything else to say that would help. At this point a court will have to decide whether your yelling was abusive or just inappropriate, and they would decide separately about the legality of recording. But honestly, if the other caregiver was the one writing about how it bothers her that the caregiver, who the family likes, yells too much, we might have suggested doing a recording too!

If you were yelling to get her to stop doing something dangerous it would be one thing, and people might understand if it was to stop her doing something really irritating too - I mean anyone can lose their temper once over something like that. But if your yelling included calling her ugly names or shaming her for something she really could not help, it would be another thing altogether. Has her family heard the recording? If they have heard it and don't feel bad about it you would think that might count for something, but think realistically if they may turn on you when they hear it for the first time.

If you have documentation of how much you were paid and it is not inappropriate you should not have to worry about that specifically.

Look, I'll be honest. It seems like you feel guilty and you are hoping we will say that no, you clearly did nothing wrong, but I don't think the story you have given here in its limited form can really give support to that. I wish it hadn't happened and I hope whatever happens next you can land on your feet somehow and find help for anything you need! Are you currently homeless other than sleeping on her couch?

PhoenixDaughter Apr 2015
It willvery much on how the evidence is presented. if you yelled at her then in effect this is abuse UNLESS of course she cant hear you unless you speak very loudly - which is not yelling. The only time I could understand yelling other than that is if the person was in danger. Older people can be very frightened by people yelling. I know my mum gets very agitated if the people next door are having a party and the volume rises. My advice would be be ahonest wioth your legal advisor and take their advice for they know the law as it applies in your state and we do not - I suspect that is why people have not answered you for they feel ill placed to so do

innocent2 Apr 2015
The family doesn't believe I did it.

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