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anonymous158299 Posted April 2016

THE; antisocial hijack on everclear thread...

Get in touch with your derogatory side here ;

do you hate religion ? hate athiests ? agnostics ? gays ? hetero's ? repubs ? democrats ? commies ? men ? women ? employers ? employees ?
do you hate everybody but yourself ? do you hate yourself ?
old people , young people , baby seals ?
have a piece of coconut cream pie and share it with me .
bring your own fork , this aint the tokyo sheridan .
i hate the tokyo sheridan SO much . i hope termites eat the bamboo framed sob ..

anonymous158299 May 2016
i thought obama was quite the visionary when he first took office but time has taken its toll . ive hears enough " hug a homo / bi / trans person to last me a lifetime .
that isnt much of a legacy considering how many truly dangerous problems the world is faced with today .
i havent heard the first word about hugging a caucasion male ( or female ) .
fk that implant ..

anonymous158299 May 2016
the try n sav ad for the last 20 days has been an obese welfare recipients greatest dream . no unprepared food . only boxed , sugar dripping , bbq ; d soylent .
i just wont buy from them again till they mark the bulk staples down .
i bought rapeseed oil and . 99 cent pork chops and went on my way .
yea , we call it canola oil but that doesnt change the facts ..
americans arent the masters of business . they are the masters of spinning terminology .
that in itself isnt a legit product and i think it will unravel by its own shoddy design .
the BRIC's financial conglomerate has more than a few american thugs quaking in their boots ..
america , traditionally has financially enslave not only its own population but that of its faux empire .
it cant unravel soon enough to suit me ..


anonymous158299 May 2016
veronica , when you see 1500 acres clear cut when the largest tree is 6 inches in diameter you know dam well its being harvested for food filler . it used to be called cellulose and a loaf of bread could contain 26 % or more of it . now that the public has gotten hip to " cellulose " , theyve dimmed the terminology down to something akin to fraud ..
i dont really care , i would just rather the ingredients read " saplings " . then its my choice whether to ingest it or not ..

anonymous158299 May 2016
i think the moderators try to utilize a program to clean up foul language . i guess i understand that but i think its rather 19 th century .
words never hurt anyone .
ive mentioned it before on here . i work for the public and based on my crude appearance alone ,, some contacts will talk like sailors and racists because they feel ok doing it around me . its rather comforting as we can say things that have been deemed " verboten " by obama and his pack of PC socialists .
i dont have to like you , you dont have to like me ..
that doesnt mean we cant co exist .
i just bought mason sand from a young fellow two days ago . he mentioned the millionaire he worked for and criticized his love of money . he said if he were wealthy he would be found on a tropical island getting trashed and patronizing the hors , not working 20 hrs a day to obtain more wealth .
i find nothing improper about the young guys attitude and in fact feel flattered that he considered me good company to share that with .
i dont like being corralled in the name of political correctness ..

cwillie May 2016
WTF? I think the site editors are playing games with us, I lost that post twice this morning due to invalid characters. &^%$#@()+=|\{}[]~` arrrgh!!

cwillie May 2016
OK, this morning when I tried to write the word b$%ches the site wouldn't let me do it, so if there ever was a thread to test my cussing skills this is it! @#$%^&*!!

ASusan48 May 2016
Veronica - you're not alone on the onions. I tried that myself. It was like cutting onions with the onions right under your nose - for hours....and hours....and after slicing and drying 4 whole onions, the result was only enough to fill a quart mason jar. Kind of disappointing.

Someone told me to put the dehydrator outside. Riiight. And then it would rain, with my luck. LOL

Veronica91 May 2016
Hey Capt last week I opened my first canned bacon and it tasted fine on a pizza.
I have tried all kinds of things like the bacon and some cheese. Changes the texture but perfectly useable. Tried drying quite a lot too. I was amazed at how little is the result of drying. One thing I will never do in the house again is dry onions.
I hear that manufacturers are allowed to put wood pulp in food. they call it fiber. so you are right everything in your Thieve a Lot is locally grown.

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
look into modern break action pellet rifles . they are only single shot but quite powerful .
its freaky walking thru our sav a lot store . 99 % of the food is packaged up ready to eat stuff . dripping with corn syrup and salt . if you look around here in central indiana all you see is corn , soy beans , and trees . its logical to believe that thats what the processed food consists of .
everything seems to have two claims . ie ; banana nut , orange pineapple , butter maple , etc . i always wryly comment to myself thats its likely neither .

anonymous179890 Apr 2016
cwillie I've been researching chickens for ages but I'm still stressing about giving them the very best. I tend to over plan and prepare for everything ... OCD much? Had my dogs to the vet for their annuals and she was very impressed at the shape they're in for 7 and 10 so I must be doing something right..

Cap you're so right about how our food is produced and what goes into it. No wonder there's so much illness. I get free range eggs on the next road. Those folks have always grown a large garden, preserved the harvest and eaten their own eggs and chickens. She's 87, 90lb dripping wet and fitter than I've ever been.

Re varmits, we see little out here, though I had to take a broom to a sick racoon that came after me last fall. Considering taking a course and getting a rifle ... picture the trainer rolling his eyes like "OMG, a little old lady who wants to be John Wayne" lol

vstefans Apr 2016
I just learned about making your own kefir and kombucha. Good for the belly. It'll counteract the bad effects of the cream pies and sausages y'all are eating.

STP Apr 2016
Hey Captain WE have to bring back ladee1 .... I will work on it!!!

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
i got mean mugged off everybody elses threads . in all fairness its because im an insensitive jerk . so i started my own . its for people who zag when everybody else zigs ..
(PC losers)

Kimber166 Apr 2016
Captain - I don't have any thing funny or witty to say, BUT, I'm having a great chuckle and stress relief reading your posts. Send over one of those one gallon jars, FILLED of course. Wishing that your still never runs dry....

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
i have some canned pureed tomatoes that someone gave me . i think i like chunky tomatoes better . i made chili with my homemade pepperoni sticks a while back and it was as good as it sounds .
all kiddin aside about canning / freezing , at least you know whats in your food .
i saw a news story last week about the inhumane conditions that meat hens are raised in . they are so genetically altered to produce huge breast portions that they often cant stand on their feet . ive seen these giant breast pieces in stores and in fact tried them once . as tasteless as a hothouse tomato ..
pam , i dont know a thing about bees but ill bet ill be learning pretty soon .
i dont really like honey but i work hourly . id raise freakin snail darters if need be .
my thread was s'posed to read " hilljack " . im either a terrible speller or those god forsaken moderators are screwin with me again .
got a stomping thunderstorm all afternoon and it didnt hurt my tiny tomato plants . ill bet they take off with the triple 12 fertilizer scattered around ..

pamstegma Apr 2016
Cap, my beehives arrived... hehehe... where shall I put them?

cwillie Apr 2016
The lazy way with tomatoes is to just toss them whole into the freezer, put them in a big bag or you will loses a few. As they thaw the skins slip right off, and you can take out one or twenty according to your needs. If you need them chopped up it is pretty easy to do when they are partially thawed.
We used to raise roosters and the worst enemies were rats and weasels, since they can get through the smallest holes imaginable. Don't forget to show all the little chicks how to find a drink when you take them out of the box!

anonymous179890 Apr 2016
The coop was built last fall and it's like fort knox with hardware cloth on the windows and welded wire on and over the run. It's pretty close to the house and the yard light is on all night. There's pics on my FB page but I can't post a pic here. They'll brood in the garage until they feather out.

Cap my mother passed last fall just as the harvest was coming in. I froze some and gave a lot away. Roma tomatoes - put in a sink of cold water to wash them off. Chop off the pointy vine end and throw them in the blender, skin and all. Once pureed put them in plastic bags, seal and freeze flat so they're easy to store. I did that out of desperation that they turned out great. Wonderful in soup, stew, chili or wherever you'd use crushed tomatoes.

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
re; STHF .
we have turbines nowadays . much more colorful visual image imo ..
i hear ya tho . my mom wasnt always demented and passive . she could be a royal lag screw in the urethrea at times .
one time she told me she might fix up her car and leave it to niece janie . my brain momentarily sizzled . i had machines down that i couldnt afford to repair and im going to build up a car for janie .. bet cha NOT !!

Labs4me Apr 2016
I hate it when elderly parents won't even consider ideas or recommendations to make things easier for themselves or to get their affairs in order. Then when the s_ _t hits the proverbial fan, guess who they turn to for help or ends up trying to settle an estate without a will or trust, their children!!!!

pamstegma Apr 2016
Great, those gallon glass jars can protect little tomato plants from frost. And they are just the right size for a personal batch of root beer.
Ashlynne, Cap is right, everything goes after chickens, so you need hardware cloth on top as well as underneath. Fox will chew through netting. Coop them up at nightfall and release them at sunrise.

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
and , yea , your rural king has got some one gallon jars with glass tops right now for an 8 dollar bill . very nice for the price . imo , anything worth stashing in the pantry is worthy of one gallon increments .
my new one is filled with coconut ..

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
i would so " do " granny clampett . a few shots of that rheumatiz medicine and wed be physically engaged . lets both cut the BS old lady .. he he

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
EVERYTHING is an enemy of those chickens . ive shot everything from feral cats in hen nests to racoons , owls , mink , even the damn sheriff .. ( but i did not shoot the deputy ..
also i read last night that you can freeze tomatoes with the skin on and when they thaw , the skins will slip .
ive been canning them with the skin on . i think its quite flavorful .
had an awesome va visit today . doc said my liver numbers are indicative of perfect liver health . i knew that . my liver feels great for the first time in 40 yrs .
my only neighbor is a 26 yr old guy who ferments and distills possibly more than i do . last night he gave me 30 ea 1 gallon wine jugs with screw on caps . ill find something positive to do with them even if i have to start making vodka .
i hear ya pam , bout the elder care parasites but elders can be a little eccentric too . i stayed with my mom for nearly 7 years . my house sat empty and vulnerable . companionship and nice meals werent enough for her . she wanted a personal servant , lawn scaper , housecleaner , chaueffer , therapist ..
mom was certifiably nuts and i had to stand my ground with her .. near the end of her life she told me that she felt safe with me cause " i had a spine " .
edna told me the same thing once . " i just feel safe with you " . in her case its cause i didnt have an ulterior motive . i just loved and respected her ..
spine = good thing ....

anonymous179890 Apr 2016
The more I see of humans the more I retreat into my "Little House on the Prairie", peace and quiet, just me and my beloved dogs. Growing a big garden this year, freezing and canning. Potatoes in the ground, too early to seed outside but I'll be setting up the greenhouse. Chickens coming next week. I'm turning into Granny Clampett :)

pamstegma Apr 2016
I hate whiners and fakers. Like the ones who want to be paid 24 hours a day for living in mom's house while mom pays the bills. Then they complain the place is filthy, but they don't want to clean anything. Too many of those.

anonymous281963 Apr 2016
You are exactly right, lighten up! Life is too serious to be taken seriously, and way too serious to be taken for granite.

anonymous281963 Apr 2016
Was kinda hoping for the lemon merangue pie.

This new thread suits you, Captain, and I am sure you will get a lot of derogatories and some interrogatories too.

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
we cant always see the purpose in today . in 2007 i wiped out of a particularily rough hepc treatment with mental issues . i was devastated . today i can see that better meds were just around the corner and wiping out saved me from severe kidney damage .
when i was a 17 yr old kid in the army , my commanding officer sent me for an " expeditious discharge " physical . i wasnt a bad kid , just needed body slammed .
ive hated that guy for nearly 40 yrs but only recently ive realized that he didnt have time to screw with me . he swung his biggest club and swung it with everything he had .
im trying to say -- try to see past the neck deep muck that youre wading in today . a couple of years down the road may see you more stable and confident than you ever imagined ..

anonymous158299 Apr 2016
meh , im gonna go plant the rest of my tomatoes . i have that little confidence that you people are going to lighten up and learn to laugh at society to include laughing at ourselves .
ive survived terminal dementia care , in fact twice , and im copping this real calm in my heart . if you hope to survive it i think you should learn to take lifes slams with less seriousness ..


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