My mom has been complaining the last 30 days of not feeling good and her back and side hurting off and on..she doesnot walk she goes from wheelchair to her recliner...(which she stays in all day but to go to bathroom and eat)took her to Doctor he said that it was the way she was sitting all day..and that is to be expected because of the Alzheimer' mother never complains at all because she doesnot want to take meds..Doctor is ordering a question is is this the Alzheimer's that is really doing this because of her having no muscles..tone ? I know some are telling me that the brain could be telling her that she hurts and really dnt hurt..but I donot believe that..thanks for any answers๐๐๐
I'm sorry about your mother. My great aunt recovered from skin cancer (radiation), but later on became ill. She was too weak to undergo any other treatments and the doctor said, she couldn't even handle a colonoscopy. We kept her comfortable as possible, as that is what she wanted. She was very alert and had no dementia. She was 85 as well.
This is such hard work! Hugs.
Is the doctor saying that the tests would be hard on Mom, and even if they indicate cancer, Mom could not take the treatment? If that is the case (and I really am not sure I am interpreting what you wrote correctly), then I would definitely not put Mom through the tests.
I'd only do the tests if there is some potential benefit to knowing the exact nature of the nodule.
Judging when that time has come is not something that anyone can reliably predict, at best it is an estimate and at worst wishful thinking. There are no charts to follow with stages of development as with infant's mile stones.
As you have been advised UTIs are very prevalent especially in old ladies so you do need to be vigilant especially as they frequently do not show signs of infection just unusual behavior. It is a simple matter to run a urine specimen to the Dr's office Mom does not have to go too.
This is a case for cleanliness especially after a bowel movement. However many times you say wipe front to back many people are physically incapable as they age due to stiff joints and weakness. I know everyone wants to protect their loved one's dignity but this is a case to over ride that. If you can get her to stand in the shower and wash the genital area with plenty of soap and warm water that is the best solution. Spraying with a bottle of warm water also helps the process.
When someone is wearing Depends or pads it is very easy for uncleaned fecal matter to migrate forward to the urethra. Clipping long pubic hair is also a good plan. Use of a barrier cream adds to the patient's comfort. It is very sore, uncomfortable and itchy when there is feces on the skin round the anus.