His condition has changed so much over the years. I had him in a daycare program, but he was kicked out for inappropriate behavior. Just a couple of weeks ago, he kissed a recently widowed neighbor lady in the grocery store and told her he loves her. I can't get past this, and don't know what to do. She gushes over him, and he stops at her house on his walks. I know this because I have a locator attached to my phone. I am unable to walk with him due to back problems. I use a walker and can only walk short distances. I'm afraid of what I might say to this woman if I see her.
My husband is in the late middle stage of the disease.
The neighbor I've been referring to is my age, 77, and my husband is 81.
I used to go to support groups with her, but her husband passed away due to Lewy body Alzheimer's. I feel compassion for her, but, I still feel she crossed a line when told me she doesn't think my husband has what the doctor's say he has. She doesn't know him, except for his casual joking comments, which is the only way he can relate with people.
He can seem very charming and with it one minute, but in the next minute he won't know what day or month it is.
I think my neighbor was way out of bounds by saying she doesn't think he has what the Doctors say he has. She doesn't know him. I've lived with him for 54 years and we've raised 5 children.
He has very good Doctors that have put him on some
Excellent meds that have helped aliviate many of his symptoms.
I have a son-in-law that is an ER doctor and a daughter that is a cardiac care nurse, another daughter-in-law that is an OB/ Gyne Doctor, and I am a nurse.
I think we are capable of judging
Whether or not our Doctors know what they are doing.
As for the neighbor is she of similar age? Is she a willing participant? Are these just neighborly and friendly encounters or is it more than that? Does neighbor know he has dementia? If so, it is always easier to go along with delusions than try to correct them.
Some thoughts in case helpful: does his doctor know about the inappropriate behavior/exaggerated flirtatious behavior with the neighbor? Since it is seriously hampering your ability to care for him at home, I think you should address it with him or her. I would think daycare would be an absolute must for someone in your situation, and if there were any way at all to get him back into it...
Of course you know he is not in his right mind when he is doing these things, but it must hurt terribly and I am sorry to hear what you're going through.