How do you survive watching your loved one die? Mom is in hospice. She had a stroke on Wednesday and now it is a waiting game. She has CHF and the end was near. I did not send her to ER when she had the stroke. Now she can't talk and is paralyzed on one side. We are in a waiting game waiting for the end. It is excruciating at times. How do you cope? If she is still hear on Monday do I go to work? Watching someone die like this is terrible.
May God hold you tight and give you grieving mercies during this hard trial. See you on the other side some day🤗
My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs.
God bless
I am so sorry, I know this is an extremely difficult time. Thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs. Be kind and gentle with yourself. And if possible, maybe you can take some time away from work. It will be hard and your mind and body will need a break. Please know we are all here.
How do you survive? You take it day by day or minute by minute.
Try to remove as much other stress in your life as you can.
Remember to breathe deeply and relax the muscles in your shoulders and jaw.
Pray, meditate or do whatever form of connecting to something beyond ourselves whenever you can.
Let people help you with other issues (cleaning, cooking, etc.) while you concentrate on your mom.
Come back here for support and love. Many on here have lost their parents and can "hold you up" when you feel like you're falling.
Let yourself cry. You know what's going to happen. It's super stressful. Crying relieves tension.
No one knows the date and time a person passes but I would speak with the doctor taking care of her. He might be able to give you a time 'frame'. That way you might have a better idea of whether to go to work (if you can concentrate) or take time off work to be with her.
I have found that some patients actually die when their family members and loved ones leave the room. That happened with my father also. I was there 24/7 but THE night I decided to stay at a friend's house, he passed.
Don't be surprised if she passes when you're not there. Just my opinion, but I believe they have some ability to pass when they would prefer. (There is NO scientific information to support this.) I believe that they would like to spare us the pain of watching them die.
I pray for God's peace for you and your family.
Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not there at the moment. She’s in good hands. Talk to the Hospice nurse. They have experience and good instincts in end of life matters.
Wishing you the best....