Always is when I go away for the weekend with my family...
You can guarantee when I come back he's "been ill". EVERY TIME. So I phoned him - first sentence "I've been ill". Like its my fault because I went away!
STILL not taking all his medication that the GP gave him so I offer ZERO sympathy. Basically, wants me to tell him how he can feel better - "Take the meds the GP has given you Dad, if that fails then go an see you're GP but I'm not a doctor."
His words - "I desperately need you to visit the weekend." "I've got no food in the house" (Brother lives literally 5 mins drive from him - I live 35-40 mins. Brother is probably laying low). Anyway, he knows my car is in the garage so I'm struggling for transport and he knows my wife works weekends so may need our other car. So I tell him I can't promise. Anyone would have thought I'd told him I'd murdered the family next door.
Apparently, I'm "letting him down" and "need to arrange something", and "wife needs to understand". Of course the standby offer of home delivery groceries is not good enough - he doesn't want to spend the £30 minimum - they have to be hand delivered by me!
I've tried setting boundaries, I've said no can do, I've tried ignoring, I've tried just not doing. Give him his due he's relentless in his quest to get me to do what he wants!
That is amazing! How wonderful that your daughter was sitting that day. My daughters took CPR classes before doing babysitting. I insisted that they did because choking can happen in the blink of an eye.
It can mean the world to a young person, having support.
NHWM, your daughters are now responsible adults with respectable jobs. That's the most parents can hope for.
Llama, your daughter saved a kid's life, that's incredible. The kid was lucky your daughter was there.
Your daughter is blessed to have a mom who is so supportive of her while teaching her to be independent at the same time. I did the same with my girls.
Their first job was like many other kids, babysitting for the neighbors. Then the other typical teen jobs, retail jobs, restaurants, daycare at our health club, etc.
My job in the next few weeks before her job starts is to help her prepare for it. She and I practice meditation daily to help improve her focus and attention span. The calendar app and reminder app on her phone will be useful tools to help her keep things from slipping from her mind. Her social skill also needs a bit polishing. She likes to keeps to herself. She will need to learn to work and talk with different people. Luckily, she communicates better with adults than with her peers.
Yay! I bet she’s very happy. It’s important to them to get a job and earn their own money. You must be proud of her.
How is your dad doing these days? How is your brother? Is your wife staying busy with her nursing? Are your kids doing well? Fill us in on what’s been going on in your life.
Good to see you posting. Are you gearing up for a Disney World trip this summer? I haven’t been to Disney World since my oldest daughter was 6 years old. She’s in her 30’s now!
Best wishes to your daughter on her job interview . You have given her support and that will take her far in life!
My older daughter (who is slighltly on the spectrum and high functioning) is turning 16 next month. She's going to a job interview today. I'm feeling anxious for her. How are your son and daughter?
How is everyone in your world?
Must catch up!
CM - Not you.... Think its best you stay away ;-)
I do wonder if it was kinda sad that The Duke & The Queen couldn't live together once he retired? Or were they both happier? He off in the countryside painting etc - She able to get on with it without his meddling..?
If I was a Queen & my husband was bossy, or snored... I'd absolutely have him retired to a far away cottage. (Mine is so annoying today there is not a cottage far enough 😠)
The focus here on ‘The Duke’ was about Harry ‘returning’ to England for his grandfather’s funeral and his relationship with William.
I watched The Duke's funeral last night. We always called him Prince Phillip but I hear 'The Duke' all over the TV now. The 'no fuss' funeral may have had low family numbers (as required) but still a lot of people! I liked the green shiny ute instead of a black shiny herse, as he had wanted.
British pagentry, musical genious & military precision at it's best.
People have occasionally gone astray from topics on many threads.
It wasn’t that.
All of us wish Paul well.