Really sick of this forum and the commentaries when a question is asked and instead getting analyzed and critiqued of my behavior or lack of it depending on the responder. This is not a kind and supportive space as it could be and it's a shame. There should be general rules of conduct and those that cut others down should be removed by a moderator. No caregiver coming here needs more grief and hassle when none of these people are walking in the shoes of the person writing or living in their homes. And everyone's standard of care is different. Some of us have higher standards and are allowed to have those. If others don't care, so be it. May they know the suffering of others in these situations. Many responses lack the empathy not shown by the aides we have had assigned to us. HOw many of you really would relish the thought of lying bare and exposed while total strangers scrubbed your private areas? I think not many.
You have two original postings on the same subject. That is why you feel some of your postings have changed or disappeared.
Now Like Barb - I am now having trouble posting and it keeps auto logging me out.
Just because we all have caregiving in common, doesn’t mean that we all have the same temperaments.
We wouldn’t all be friends.
We wouldn’t all agree. On world events, on spiritual matters, or even day-to-day running of our households. Gosh, I can’t even expect my husband or children to agree with me on taking out the trash (every can, every day, say I!) .
That being said, we can still learn from each other. In this case, about caregiving.
We can take what we can use, and throw the rest out the window. :-)
Peace to you in this journey.
I don't recall that anyone faulted you for not wanting your mom lying nakrd when being bathed. I think many of us suggested talking to a suoervisor, finding another agency and the like.
Some of us have suggested that your irritability is increasing because you have too much on your plate and have suggested more help, respite or finding a facility for your parents. You have rejected suggeations, sometimes quite angrily.
I am going to suggest (only once) that you talk this situation over either with a trusted Social Work colleague or the Social Worker from Hospice.
Are you saying your posts and your answers are missing?
I have only once seen something that was changed on my post and it was that I listed a specific Care company (just the wording was changed) but I was unaware that I wasn’t allowed to put the name and assumed it must have been against the site rules. But my post was not removed - just one word in it was.
What was removed? Responses in your own post? Your post itself?
Maybe try reposting - I’m sorry if this happened - my only suggestion would be try to reposting.