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gladimhere Posted September 2021

For the newbies

Everything we do it seems there is a specific glossary that is used. On this site there are numerous acronyms that are used that are confusing. We are not a secret society so let's try to help out the newcomers.

Here is a link to many terms and acronyms used on this site.

And welcome to AC!

Sendhelp Jan 2022
AC = adopted child
AM = adopting mother

Sendhelp Jan 2022
Iamnale = I am not a lawyer either.


BarbBrooklyn Jan 2022
Ianal=I am not a lawyer

Ianyl=I am not YOIR lawyer: posted by folks who are lawyers.

alzisscary Jan 2022
Thanks for the help everyone is giving me it seams I am with the right group thanks again

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2022

Sendhelp Dec 2021


BarbBrooklyn Dec 2021

Sendhelp Dec 2021
Saw someone use QMB the other day.
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary

Sendhelp Dec 2021
Just can't keep this list of acronyms a secret any longer.

nerdmafia Nov 2021
Thank you! This online 'scene' is one of the nicest, and in every way purest and warmest ..ahem..'scenes' I have ever been a part of , on the internet.
And take my word for it, I draw this from a very diverse experience pool. Trust and believe=D

Also, who ever does this sites web marketing/SEO/ranking, or perhaps does NOT do any inorganic ranking manipulation, you are doing a great job!

I regularly am googling tons of complex legal matters and social matters related to my mom's care. And maybe every third search I do, has this forum come up in the top 10. And whatever ad revenue I see being likely generated, thank you for keeping it relevant! I hope the site pays for itself and then some.

*bows humbly*

Sendhelp Nov 2021
Mainstream media

Venereal Disease
Vascular Dementia

fuzzyknot Nov 2021
This post is a life-saver, for me, at least. I visit it often to find assorted different abbreviations I'm not familiar with. THANK YOU . . . AGAIN . . . for putting this together and sharing it with us. I would be totally lost without it.

Sendhelp Nov 2021
Here is a link to many terms and acronyms used on this site.

gladimhere Nov 2021
Happy Monday! Vote tomorrow!

BurntCaregiver Oct 2021
All this time I've been on this site and I finally know what a 'DH' and a 'DD' are. LOL

gladimhere Oct 2021

Sendhelp Oct 2021


BarbBrooklyn Oct 2021
Bump. Read this, Olmay!

Sendhelp Oct 2021

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2021

BarbBrooklyn Oct 2021

gladimhere Oct 2021

Daughterof1930 Sep 2021
Send help, your reply made me think of JessieBelle who was such a positive force and help when I was new here. And sweet Ahmijoy! Hope they’re both doing well!

SkyScraper Sep 2021
Thank you for the list! Total newbie about to rent mom an apartment where I live. Siblings don't help and I've driven 13,000 miles in 11 months. Tired! She has independence but needs companionship. Still does ADL but when alone too long she drifts into her own world. We're coming up on an official dementia diagnosis, but I don't feel she's ready for AL or MC. She can make it with companionship, me and some homecare. I'm actually rather excited to have her as a neighbor and wouldn't mind spending the night at her place a few nights a week if it is a few doors down. Why not let her wash her clothes or cook some? No gas stove for sure! Thank you all so much! There will be a time and a place for a facility. The one she moved to 8 months ago sucks (Brookdale!) and she is getting depressed and lonely. MY conscious won't let me keep her there and I'm actually thinking I might not ever want her in a facility. I like caring for her and eventually will need some help, I know.

Sendhelp Sep 2021
Welcome Newbies!
Peruse the website so you can learn what's there, and be able to research your question. Use the magnifying glass icon, enter a search word.

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gladimhere Sep 2021

gladimhere Sep 2021

Sendhelp Sep 2021

gladimhere Sep 2021
Whoops forgot

Jazzy1349 Sep 2021
WOW, WOW! So needed!! Hopefully, every caregiving agency will see the need and include even a basic list of "need to know" words that we seasoned caregivers learned the hard way. It would make a great addition to the "Welcome Aboard" package they hand out to all new hires.

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