Inner voice: "Covid, caregiving, distance, money, no one taking walk-in clients, no time for myself -- pick any excuse A why you have let your hair grow to 16 inches long in 100+ degree weather."
Hubby: "Take the time and get it cut. It really needs cut. Just make an appointment and get it done"
So I make the appointment.
Family emergency so I have to cancel the appointment morning of to take mom to the ER.
The next day I actively search out an open place and drive all over to do a walk-in and take whoever is available to finally cut/style my 16" locks.
Turns out the stylist is a barber and grabs the electric shears.
And now....24 hours later....
I am baby Groot.
This literally is the haircut never asked for but what I got:
Oh the life of a caregiver for me :-)
Let's have some fun. What has been your worst caregiving haircut mistake?
so I go to a highly recommended high end salon to fix. Re-permed. Looked like a rats nest. One of the other workers at salon asked if I liked the results. You can tell he didn’t approved. I got a $300 rats nest hairdo.
got tired of rats nest and hair chopped off - pixie length. As it grew out I got brave again to try perm again but I also added color. I looked like orphan Annie. At least only $100
hubby had stroke, life stressful, scalp started to some weird itchy dandruff thing. So I personally grab the dog electric shears and shaved 1/2” close to the scalp. Loved it! Very easy and as it grew out it grew out even. Changed shampoo products. Scalp heal. Hair shoulder length now and happy.
probably will never have anyone else work on my hair again.
Yeah it will grow and I have learned my lesson.
Thanks everyone who responded with your own stories. Makes me feel not so alone.
Actually it turned out pretty good. I usually only have it cut once or twice a year, and I am still handing the scissors to sig-other. Heck, it is saving me $65 a cut.
At one time I had the Dorothy Hamill cut and cried all the way home. It wasn't a good idea going from long hair to that short of a cut. I wanted to hide under a grocery bag. Eventually I got use to it.
When I went for services this summer, after two years of covid self-trimming/coloring, the stylist had this pretty bleach blond shade, and I spontaneously asked her, "Can I do what you have?" And then she bleached EVERYTHING, my whole head. And I LOVE it. Bleaching/lightening has come a long way, as a chemical process, and now you can do it with bonders to protect hair integrity. I'll rock this shade for many years to come. I know it's trivial, but things like this keep putting the spirit of *me* back into my life.
It's understandable that who we are as caregivers is often a put-aside version of ourselves. Claiming back some space for YOU is important. Good on you if that manifests as a new haircut/color -- hopefully, one that you love. lol
It's just hair. Get something that makes you smile at yourself in the mirror every day. Or grimace while you grow it out. But whatever it is, do things to support your positive mental health.
The right hairdresser will make you the blond you always wanted to be. 😉 The wrong one will have you spending months thinking on your sins. 😅
And Mom's AL had an in-house salon where a stylist came once a week to do the resident's hair. Mom refused to get her hair done there saying everyone came out looking like Shirley Temple!
My best hair fail was trying to ‘do’ mom’s hair when she was in the neuro-icu. Somebody handed me a dry-shower type thing that you put over the head and rub and make magic with. I swear I tried to tidy her hair but when I was through she looked like she’d been struck by lightning several times LOL. My only regret is not getting a photo. Oh well at least she was cleaner??
I was about 16 and thought I wanted a layered look where the top was shorter and the bottom was longer. What I wound up with was a MULLET and I have very fine hair making the look 100x worse than it should have been. So I wore bandannas, literally, for months on end until my hair grew out to the point where the mullet was no longer apparent. Ugh, that was by far THE worst haircut I'd ever gotten.
Nowadays I avoid the chain type 'salons' and stick with my hairdresser who knows me, knows my hair, and always does a great job. I looked at Groot and think he's pretty darn cute myself. Plus, hair grows back in time if you hate it!
Went to get a 'trim' and my hairdresser was having some serious emotional issues and he hacked it all off. I was so shocked I couldn't speak. He felt terrible--but there was nothing to do but cut it all short.
I admit I cried all the way home. It's a challenge of patience to grow out your hair--and I so wanted the ease of long hair again after years of short 'mom cuts'.
When I lost ALL my hair due to chemo, that was hard. It grew back in very weird and I still can't style it correctly. I guess I learned through that--that any hair is better than none. But I do miss my long hair. (It was past my waist in HS, and I was kind of known as having 'great hair'.
If you join you may be able to find someone in your neighborhood who cuts hair in their home (like my DIL).
Baby Groot is pretty adorable...