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Helenw6 Posted March 2024

How do I get my husband to a menory care facility when he wants to remain in the home?

JustAnon Mar 2024
I agree that a short term hospital visit can be the best segue to a care home. It worked with my mom and a friend's MIL. Neither are accepting of their new homes, but it has been such a better option for them.

strugglinson Mar 2024
another idea - if something medical happens, even if minor, tell him he needs to temporarily go to the memory care place for a while until "he improves". Then drag it on and make it long term. Search around this forum and you will see various tactics and techniques. Another way some do it is to blame it on the doctor. "The doctor says you need to go here..... can't be at home right now..."

I"ve been scared to make it a permanent thing to my dad for now, even though he has been 5 months in AL. He is still not really adjusted there. He keeps repeating the question "maybe one day i'll improve and be able to get back home?". We have decided for now the answer is " well not any time soon Dad, but we will see in the future how you do....".


MJ1929 Mar 2024
Tell him a pipe burst in the house, or you need to have it tented for termites, and you have to move out for a few days.

Find the memory care place you want to use, meet with the administrator, and they'll assist you with the best way to pull this off. Have all your ducks in a row before trying to make him move.


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