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Don't care for the format page change. The titles of the Questions/Discussion seem a much lighter blue so I had to to the Accessibility Menu (lower right blue circle with white figure in the center) to darken the Q/D in order to clearly see the titles.

I am getting too old for change :P

Ugh. Site is not nearly as welcoming and user-friendly. Can the ‘fixes’ be fixed? Re-broken? I got where I needed to go but if I was brand new I don’t think I would have.

I kind of agree. From their perspective, selling the product is now more front and center. Kind of too bad, as I think that now no one will really see this Forum. Our questions are already kind of deteriorating over time, and this may be the beginning of the end. I shall have to go into a 12 step program for my addiction to this Forum, do you think.

I am used to the set up now, but it was a shock going in, and of course I always immediately state with "Oh, no, what did I do!" Wish we had had a tad of warning about the new setup and how to get in. At least my little quaking avatar is still there. How I should have mourned her loss if not!

The forum is just hidden, it's labelled as as community now
Overall I think the site is more focused on it's true purpose, which is selling care contracts via APFM.

Please bring back the Forum link so we can all get there without resorting to backdoor measures.

I don’t like it at all.

Where is my little duck avatar.
Took me time to even get the Forum at all. I had to go to newsfeed, then click on an answer, then find caregiver Forum.
Wow, guess we will get used to it, but I sure don't like it at all.

I am getting that teal box. I clicked on it and it brought up profile, etc.

I see that Cwillie, I've gotta play with it later, see if I like it or not.

They've changed the whole banner layout Geaton, I'm not sure if I like it.

Admins, something is amiss with the avatar pics. My established one shows up in the main forum Questions page ( but not on the header for individual posts. I just get a bland square teal box with my initials, and so do others, but not everyone.

Even on this post the avatars are all there, but not on other ones.

Also, "Forum" no longer is visible in my header menu.

I'm on a MacBook Pro running Safari 17.6

Did you make any changes?

cwillie, same here regarding seeing the double "Answer" tab. Plus the word QUESTION is half covered by the "Recent Activity" tab. I am using a Dell desk top, with current Windows (whatever # it is).

cwillie, yes I've had the double tabs for a while now. Am on Safari 17.6 (MacBook Pro laptop).

Now, we have noticed CWillie! You are right. The tech people on AC will be grateful to you for pointing that out. I never go there! Guess I no longer feel as helpful to others, with no time for seeking people out. But maybe I can try harder.

Right now, I am grateful to the AC tech, who wrote me an email. Now, my private messages is fixed, and I can receive messages now! Anybody want to test that out for me?

It was my fault! When discouraged about not being able to post, I went to my Settings/Privacy and messed around, not knowing what I was doing, or what I did.

Thanks again, AC!

Anyone else notice that the Needs Answers tab is there twice?

Thanks Aging Care team!

I am back, and the little blue man has stopped talking to me on my computer,
he's gone.

Yes it's working again for me too, whatever is going on happens irregularly

Fine here.

Working good for me today. Am on laptop. Not certain that makes a difference?

Me too!

the site is very buggy for me today

I think site issues. I had them both yesterday and today. Would be fine one second and non-responsive the next. These days it is just unplug MYSELF and come back later!

The site was acting wonky for me today too, it was slow and several times it wouldn't load at all.

Thanks, lea, I'm in now (obviously).

Geaton777 cannot log onto Agingcare recently. She gets the 504 error message. Can you please look into this for her.

Thank you.

A friendly meow to the Tech Cat.
I cannot access my profile page. I have logged out & back in. I cleared the cache (I think). What else do you suggest?

I think the site was down temporarily while they rolled out the updates, even logged off I couldn't get much of anything beyond the home page

A couple mornings ago, I signed in and all I got was blank stuff too. For about 5 hours. Then I started try to fix it, and it started working.

Not sure if it was me or if it fixed its self but haven't had the issue sence

Recent problem for me after returning from a month off.
I am getting old messages showing up in my feed. As I empty messages right away this is really annoying. If it continues I will just turn off private messaging which doesn't much matter to me in any case. Just curious if others are seeing this.

I'm in, thanks AgingCareCM for the fixes!

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