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Snoopy and Smeshque… I agree and feel blessed as well. I have reasonably good health (though on paper does not look like it), people who love me, a home and my fur babies as well as a talent that the good Lord gave me and has not taken from me in my many trials with illness and injury. So much to feel blessed about. The list is endless. Every morning I wake up and see the new day I am blessed and hope to bring a smile to someone to make their day brighter.

A good day today: lots of beautiful flowers in the garden, hamburgers for dinner, loving family members. Thanks, Lord!

Smeshque and Dusti, blessings to you and all AC readers!

The day started great with hubby WANTING to clean out the oodles of accumulated junk he has (he's an artist-type so has a bunch of artsy stuff.) I did NOT complain, since I've been asking for this day for months.

After 3 hours he grew weary of looking at dozens of boxes, so offered to take me to see my Mom. We had a good visit, even to the point of her singing along with the old song "Waltzing Matilda" on my cell phone. She enjoyed a small bag of chocolate chip cookies we brought with gusto!

We tried to out for an early dinner but the three (new to us) restaurants he drove past were jammed. So we got to go to my fav Chinese place and had my fav Shrimp dish.

Now back home with a cold iced tea and on the computer.

Who could ask for more? Thanks Lord for a fulfilling day.

Hi Everyone! Well this has been a good day so I have many blessings to count. The brain fog from the TIA has finally lifted and my left side and face are finally un-freezing. Still am scrambled some on thoughts and coordination though.

We had a good day today. My honey's brother and SIL came up and spent most of the day with us. They are like family to me too and love each time they come to visit. They took us to our favorite Mexican Food restaurant for my honey's birthday dinner and then we just came back and visited. Both our fur babies like them so it was very relaxing. We took a nap and overall it was a very upbeat day.

I feel very blessed. Tomorrow just a day of R & R for both of us. (smile)

What a blessing to arrive here and read all of your blessed days. Lovely. Thank the Lord for you all.
I have been blessed so much, these last few days.
I have been offered a promotion at a job I have only been at for little over a month. Substantially more pay, which is just a bonus, but it is a great company, and I enjoy my coworkers.
My Mom is getting along fine, having DH around if needed.
Today was a much cooler day, with a nice evening breeze, and weather forecasts cooler days ahead. Hallelujah!
I have a couple of days off and will get to do some mowing of which I enjoy.
Thank you Lord for blessing all if us, and for all your love and what that means for us.

So yesterday, my DH and Mom were getting gas, and he heard a loud noise. There was a head on collision. He ran over to help. There was a little boy in the backseat, who had a severe head injury, and no one was paying attention to him. He got the little boy and covered his wound and held him, until paramedics arrived. But, not a single soul was concerned for that little boy. So Praise the Lord HE put my DH at the the right place at the right time. That is how HE works. Been praying for the boy, and DH said he is probably going to lose an eye, it was that bad.
But, it is sad to say that so many people run away from helping others. I am blessed that DH is one to run to help others.

Smeshque…Thank heaven your DH was there to help and comfort that little boy until he could get the EMS help that he needed. I agree … your DH was put in that location at that time for a reason.

Please take care and keep us posted how you are doing.

Had two great services today. Evening service was just a singing service and praising the Lord.
Blessed to be home safe and sound with my loved ones and I have a day off tomorrow, going to sleep past 5 am, I hope. I am thankful for all of you as well. My second family. May God bless each of you according to your needs.

Bittersweet, our dear lady was taken into rest this morning. Her suffering in this life has ended.
We will miss her dearly.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Revelation 14:13

Smeshque, I'm very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

Smeshque, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you feel His arms about you, comforting you.

I thank you all for your kind words.
I should have clarified just in case some are not aware of the lady I spoke about on the believers thread.
I thought last night how I should have been clear that it is not my Mom. Just in case any might have thought that, and if so I am very sorry for the misunderstanding.

You all are wonderful people and I am so glad you are my virtual family.
Much love and prayers for you too
Snoopy and Frazzled, thank you.

I do feel HIS arms around me. :) It is the only way I can take a step each day.

Well tonight I think this post is a combination of "Count your blessings" and a whine moment. (smile).

We just spent 21 hours with no a/c in a house that did not get below 87 degrees. I did not realize how much a/c meant even though as a very young child all we had was a window unit and fans. When I was young heat did not bother me. Last night, for us both (due to health issues) was hard, but we were able to get the a/c fixed this afternoon and once again we are back to 76 degrees (wahoo!!).

Counting my blessings? Definitely...much to be thankful for. A/C, my honey, our pups and my honey's family as well as a roof over our head and food in our tummy and sooo much more.

Y'all have a great night and the rest of your weekend!

Dusti- so glad you got your AC fixed. Definitely a challenge to not have it,
I am blessed this day with edification from church services. I am blessed to have a couple of days off from my secular job. I am blessed we are home safe and sound.
I am saddened that I have a funeral to attend tomorrow. But I am blessed to know this ladies final destination is Heaven. And I am blessed to know that I have the opportunity to go there too.
I am blessed to know that life is short, passing at rapid speed. And that I need to make sure I have my priorities straight. And most importantly, I am blessed to know Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world.

I am blessed this day,......Thank you Lord for everything.

I was blessed by another great sermon and church service this evening. In the course of a sermon about serving, the pastor mentioned the bucket lists that people have (including myself) of the expensive trips and experiences, etc., that people want to experience before they kick the bucket... But of course Jesus promised us we won't die... So no need for bucket lists! Yay! Thank you, Lord.

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
Psalms 147:3

That is a Yay!!!! Snoopy, a big YAY!

I really needed to read this post right now. Yes much to be thankful for. In the midst of confusion and troubles I know my Lord is here too to keep my head above water.

Dixie- So good to see that even in the midst of hard times, you are able to see the blessings and know for certain that the Lord is always there. Our only hope is HE.

2 Corinthians 12:10
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

John 6:67-68 (New International Version)
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve.

Simon Peter answered him. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...."

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:14

I had a very unexpected blessing today. It is my Anniversary, 12 years. Today DH surprised me at work and brought me roses, a gift, a love letter and a card. The fact that he remembered and I did not say a word to him about it, was the true blessing. It made me cry of joy. It was such a surprise.
My Mom had a good day talking with friends and she was so happy this evening.
And the man who lost his wife, seems to be doing better emotionally. He is getting our and his countenance is a lot better.
Quite a lovely day!
Thank you Lord, for everything!!!

Happy anniversary, Smeshque! Sounds like you had a great day!

Frazzled-thank you my Dear Friend. It was quite an unexpected nice day. Refreshing for a change. Thank you again. Hope you are doing well.

Happy anniversary, Smeshque! What a sweet, romantic day it was for you. That is fantastic!

We all deserve a ‘breathing day’! Glad you got that blessing through the loving actions of your husband on your anniversary! Plus God, who loves to amaze us with His generosity, even allowed your mom to be at peace to make it a perfect day for you to really relax and enjoy. Very happy for you my friend!!

Yesterday eve after our evening service we came home and changed and had dinner. took the dogs to the lake and there is a small park there. Mom and DH swung on the swings and I must have went up and down the slide there 50 times, and then I swung too, while the dogs ran around.
It was quite refreshing, like we were a bunch of kids. It was something me and DH use to do, and now Mom too.
It was a blessing just to do something as simple as that.
Thank you Lord.

And thank you rosses, the Lord is gracious.

Ha ha, how fun! Hmm, where's the nearest slide in my area?

You should give it a go snoopy. It will make you smile.

Had a blessed day today... My dad, who has always been a bit of a movies fan, decided he wanted to go out to see a particular movie at the last minute today so we popped over to the movie theater in the next town. Found a great wheelchair van parking spot close by, zipped right in as the previews were going on, and Dad really enjoyed the movie. He was laughing and smiling and made a few little comments here and there. Fun.

Also, as we were going into the theater where our movie was being shown, there was a bit of a difficulty holding open the door for my dad's power wheelchair, and a nice young man and what looked to be his mom (on a "last day of summer vacation" treat, I imagined), ran over, with buckets of popcorn in their hands, to help with the doors. So nice!

Thanks, Lord!

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