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If you have a local women’s domestic abuse shelter you need to contact them, relate your situation, and ask for help. Alva’s pointing out Al Anon is an excellent resource as well. I’m so sorry your situation is worsening and hope you’ll find your way to safety soon

Faye, you are not alone.
Please go to Al Anon at your nearest and earliest convenience. If there is no Al Anon there will be an AA. You need the advice and counsel of people who have BEEN THERE. They will have ideas for you.

There is utterly nothing you can do about or for an alcoholic. They have to address their alcoholism themselves. Or not. But you can do something about yourself and that basically comes down to staying or going. I don't know how long you have stayed, and I hope you haven't left this so long that you no longer have the strength to address it, but I do wish you the absolute best and can tell you that there is a whole lot of support out there just waiting for you with open arms and great advice.

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