
My mother is currently in an independent living facility. She is close to stage 6 Alzheimer's. She will need to go to an Alzheimer's care facility soon. She lives in the same state as my sister who has power of attorney and handles pretty much everything including her finances. I agreed to this because the area that they live in has always been my mom's home and her friends, etc. I have a small child and work and cannot travel across 4 states randomly and my sister does not want my mother to travel anymore because it disrupts my mom's day to day. I have discussed with my sister many times moving my mom close to me in alzheimer's care unit (not a nursing home but the same cost) which I have checked into. Since it has become quite difficult for me to spend any time with my mom and my health is much better than my sisters and my sister does not have the other responsibilities that I have and therefore could travel here much easier than I can travel there. She also does not like this idea. My mother has about $150,000 in an account that my sister has been told can only be spent by my mother for my mother's personal use or the nursing home that she wants to put her in will take it. I feel that my mother worked her whole life paying for medicare, etc and should be able to use it now instead of the last of her savings. I would like to see this money gifted to my mother's grandchildren (2 on each side)or something like this. Why can't this be done? Especially if my sister's name is on the account? Also, is it true that the money has to be spent on my mother's personal needs, as we have between us made sure that all her personal needs are met?

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