The original discussion from a couple years ago had been closed, so I am starting a new one.
I realize sometimes we will see something that could either be a coincidence or something very real. There were a few "sightings or unusual scents" in the past regarding my late Dad.
Today we had a strange incident with my elderly cat [19] and his ID collar. How in the world did the cat get on his collar as he now doesn't wear it when inside the house as it is too irritating to his neck at this age. He always waits for either sig other or myself to take the collar off as soon as he comes in from outdoors.
Maybe it's my late Dad once again playing tricks :)
I see them occasionally....
Another person has also seen an elderly man walking into the kitchen, and we occasionally see “orbs” in the center. It’s not particularly frightening because we know seniors love babies and they would never hurt or scare them, or us.
They say that kids and animals can see the unseen!
How cool!!
I received a phone call from my brother asking me if I'd take his place at an art class that he was to go to with his wife. I agreed without really even thinking about it which is not like me at all.
It was in a back room at a neighborhood pub. There were all these easels set up with paint palettes at every station. A man instructed the class while he did his own painting guiding us through the whole process.
When we were finished he said feel free to go around the room and see each others paintings. This elderly woman walks over to me and says "Oh, so this is where the real artists are, your painting is beautiful" I turned to my sister in law and we were both thinking the same thing. I said she looked like mom. My S I L said it was your mom. We both had tears glistening in our eyes.
I really feel something happened there.
I have to agree with her on this one: I had a friend that committed suicide about 21 years ago and I dream about him occasionally. Sadly, they are not happy dreams.
Three months after her passing, my Husband falls asleep on the sofa and wakes up at 3am to the TV on.. just the test pattern. It had never happened prior to her death. Now she "turns on the TV" for special occasions... Mothers Day, my Dads birthday, etc. I'm not joking! I just say "Hi Mom.. I miss you" and turn the TV off. The day the TV comes on and Blue Bloods is playing we are moving...
The one was called Sunny Day Farms. What brought me chills was I had just bought this same one at Walmart but a larger version because it made me happy and reminded me of him, no big expensive painting but when I found the small one I'd never seen before-to me that was a sign.
Other signs I used to see were more coincident than anything, but I always wish I could tell him. Like the 2 big red headed wood peckers. Was sitting in my car and one turned and flew directly over head and then the next one-same path.
He loved to be outside, any time, any weather.
This is a little off the subject but once I asked his favorite season and he said, I don't know I like all of them. He passed 12/30/05. Miss you Dad!
Dreams and visitations are a reflection of your current state of mind as opposed to actual communications.
Until you've had that moment then I can see why you would feel that way but don't rule it out entirely. You may be surprised.
I believe she was telling me that I would be the one who would be taking care of Mom. Long story with my siblings, but I am the one who has ended up taking care of Mom as I had promised.
About 10 years ago we had to put 1 of 2 dogs down. I couldn't stop crying that the Vet was going to call EMTs. We went home and I just couldn't handle talking or being with anyone so I went to bed. I was jolted awake at 3:45 pm and I could smell our dog like she was in our bedroom and then it began to dissipate. I called the mortuary that Monday and asked when they cremated our dog as we were getting her ashes back. The lady looked it up and before she could give me the time I said she was cremated at 3:45, yes she was and how did you know so I told her. She told me this happens more frequently than people know or willing to accept.
We now live in a 100 yr old house and we have 2 resident spirits in our house. 1 is a man who smokes cigars 1 is a woman. When we walked in to the foyer, I felt a woosh like something warm entered my body and was hugging me. It was the lady of the house telling me I was finally home and she was so happy I was home. Other things happen just to let us know they're still around.
I said something to at least 3 neighbors about these spirits and every one of them was afraid to say anything before I mentioned it. EVERYONE LIVING ALONG OUR STREET HAVE LIVED IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD ALL THEIR LIVES. 1 NEIGHBOR'S COUSIN LIVED IN OUR HOUSE AS A TEENAGER AND THEY TRIED RIGGING A CAMERA TO GET A PHOTO.
As I said, the gentleman smokes cigars and I have to tell him to go outside. The lady is suppose to be dressed in white era clothing and one can only see her from the waist up.
The family we bought the house from didn't say anything about it, but we thought it very strange that every single room had a crucifix as well as Bible verse placards.
If the cat is acting "strange" and looking at something you can't see, it's your Dad. Our 3 dogs will obey commands like sit and just stare up at someone, look back at us, then immediately look back at whatever.
We still haven't found our daughter's very high shelf perfume and it's been 3 yrs now.
Dad is watching over you and loves that cat!
I know people who have gone to them. There are several here in New Orleans. I do believe some people have gifts. Others are fakes.
We also have Voodoo here. Some voodoo priestesses do readings, not the silly tourist places. We have a few temples where the authentic services are held. It is a religion.
Traditional religion discourages seeing a psychic. It’s interesting how common they are now. Also how acceptable they have become and on mainstream television programs too. Some remind me on television preachers that get so stinking rich!
I think that’s why I never have gone to one. I know lots of people who go for fun. Also, we had that woman come to New Orleans for one of her shows, ‘Long Island Medium.’ I know several people who paid lots of money to see her. My friend, Lisa and her sister got a reading.
She swears it’s true. Something about her grandma. Saying she stirred something with her finger to taste to see if it was sweet enough, I think cake batter. My friend said that her grandma did do that.
And they get big bucks! That money has to motivate them. Plus, the people who help the police solve crimes such as missing persons or murders don’t charge for their service to do that. Know what I mean? That part makes me skeptical of it.
But I know people that act like they are the same as the prophets in the Bible.
What about the people that call in those psychic phone lines too. Kind of weird also. They brag about it being the best reading they have ever had. How many readings have they had before? I guess some people do it all the time.
I remember when President Reagan was shot, Nancy invited psychics and astrologers to the White House to do readings and if they said for him not to go out she would tell him to stay home. That was fear based though. Poor woman was terrified after he was shot.
when my mother died in 2013 i came back home and moved into my own basement . i was letting a renter occupy the upstairs in my absence .
my old army pile cap went missing for several weeks . one day im up chatting with the renter and there is my hat lying on my own dining room table .
she said she knew it was the kind of hat i liked so she picket it up at a free charity sore in " morgantown " .
it didnt take long to figure it all out . days earlier i had helped her dad recover his pickup truck from yet another town " bean blossom indiana " .
while winching his truck onto my trailer i overheated and laid my hat on a fender . it was lost in the church parking lot or alongside the highway and someone picked it up and donated it to the charity store where my renter picked it up and returned it right back to my home . ( in yet another town -- martinsville ) .
the creepiest thing about it is the hat was stained with so much paint / bondo / auto crud , etc that no one should have ever picked it up to begin with .
coulda very well been my mom watching out for me . it certainly defies a better explanation . given a couple more days and the renter would have got drunked up , came down to the basement and crammed it onto my head . ive no doubts about that .
i told the story to my son jake . the next time he visited my bunker he walked over and picked up my hat to assure himself that it really was my old hat . he believed me but had to see it with his own eyes . there wasnt much conversation . it just was what it was ..
i not only hope it was my mom looking down after my interests but i hope she had jake removed to a better place in 2016 . jake wasnt well physically or emotionally and my mom would have been furious at seeing him suffer when she knows theres a better place .
i feel guilty for living well in the home meant for jake . he may be in a considerably better place for all i know . i hope he is .
That does sound like it's more than a coincidence. Some things really make us stop and think about it. They are hard to explain.
From time-to-time I get a call to clean and/or to check out a house or a business to find out what if anything is haunting the place and if the spirit is in good nature or bad. If needed I will do a spiritual cleansing; however, I never do it without the help from the Lord and I never charge anybody for my services. I can not say with 100% that the spirits are gone for good or that the house or business is clean for good...things are always changing even in the spirit world!
I did go to a psychic once a few yrs ago she told me things about me that there is no way she could have known. She went on to tell me that someone close to me will be going to court and someone else I know will go to jail then I will receive a financial blessing. Well my mother went to bankruptcy court this pass yr and now just waiting to see if the rest will happen or not! LOL!!
I do believe that there are real and good psychics, however, I also believe there are more fake ones--just in it to make money!
Gershun, you are right, information can be given by a evil spirit just as easy as by a good spirit! No one really knows for sure where the info is coming from!
Have you ever encountered a place where you have been afraid or felt evil?
I do believe some people are clairvoyant. No doubt about it. Many of the saints were clairvoyant. I know a nun who is.
I know a priest who is an exorcist. Yeah, the supernatural is real in the midst of fakes. Sad that there are phonies because it gives genuine people a bad name.
I think about living in a home that someone died, especially violently. I know one woman that happened to. She bought a home not knowing a man had been murdered there. That would creep me out!
Yes I have! I have walked up to houses that I could not get pass the front door because the evil or just bad energy was just to strong for me to handle. I also had 2 encounters with demons, which is something that I don't mess with. Dealing with an evil spirit is one thing but demons, I stay away from. Nasty and stinky creators they are. I may have Jesus, but I never push my luck!
But here is a rule you may find interesting about the spirit world that most people don't know! If you ask a spirit to leave they have to leave. I am not sure why but they must leave; however they can come back. Demons have a set of rules they must follow: they can not harm you if you believe in the Lord our Savior. They can take over any person and animal but not a cat. Why? Well there are different beliefs/theories to why demons can't enter a cat; they can't go around a cat at all. My Sig other was sleeping one night and his cat Sam was at his bedroom door hissing and even showing his teeth one night but there was nothing there to see. I believe that it was a demon and Sam blocked that demon from entering the room. I know this sounds crazy but I assure you it is true! Sam got rid of the demon. Cats are known to walk in between both worlds. When people have demons in their house I tell them this is not what I do. I tell them call on Jesus, get a Demonologist, and get a cat that will bond with you.
A few years ago I went to check out a business for a friend of mine and someone out of nowhere said, "Get out!" I left the building. I told the owner what we could do; however, this spirit would come back in time and things could become much worst. My recommendation was to leave him(the spirit) there because he was really not hurting anyone. He just had a strong attachment to the building. The owner took my advice and has had no problems with the spirit.
My own house is haunt from time to time I will pick up on their presence. But because I don't feel harm from them I let them stay! However I do have something else that has been here scent this pass spring. It is not friendly but doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone. It just makes me very uncomfortable. This is something that I have never encounter before. I get the feeling that it is waiting for something or someone. Perhaps it is waiting for my mother...I just don't know! But it leaves then it comes back! Sigh!
I hate going into funeral homes, in fact I avoid them at all cost! They drain the life out of me. The pain and negative emotions are so deep the it is in the walls, floor, and chairs. I get very sick if I am in one for a hr or more! Then it take me 3 to 4 days to get over it. Ugh!
I have also come across animals sig other and I lived in a house and Sam was playing and chasing something we could not see and what it looked like it was chasing him to. I felt that it was a small dog but I can't tell you what kind it was because I didn't know the breed. Sam always looked like he was having fun with it! Then one day it left and never came back. But that house had a gateway for spirits to cross over. Man, I hated that house! I really thought I was going to die there!
I am sure you find these thing interesting but you wouldn't if you spend any amount of time with me when these things happen to me. It has scared the pants off my Sig other!
Sometimes I feel like I live between two worlds!
Yeah, it is fascinating but I would never want to encounter evil. I don’t understand when people invite evil on purpose.
It’s interesting you mentioned animal spirits. My deceased brother was troubled by an animal spirit of a large black dog.
I could tell he was uncomfortable speaking about it but wanted to tell someone. day we were walking on Decatur St. going to Cafe Du Monde and he asked me if I had ever seen and heard an animal spirit?
I could see he was scared and I didn’t want to upset him more but I knew that he did drugs so I told him, “You are a drug user.” He said that at that time he wasn’t using.
I didn’t take him seriously then. I didn’t laugh at him or anything like that but I guess I doubted him. I think I didn’t understand what he was trying to tell me.
Actually, I believe chronic drug users do unintentionally invite negative energies into their lives. Maybe I am wrong but I think they do.
Have you had others not understand what you were saying about the supernatural?