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Lea, Glad the nausea is better, but yes, those meds can/do leave one weeky. I will never forget when my girl was in high school, and I got a call from the school saying she and several schoolmates had been missing a week (yup, told me a week later). I wanted to not go nuts when she came in the door, so I took one half a valium, then started crying and couldn't stop. Ha ha, so it worked well as because I couldn't talk for the crying she thought I was pretty overcome, and instead of my "mad" I was now a weeping mess. She said "Sorry, SORRY. I didn't know it would affect you this way; I thought you would just be mad."
She never cut school again.
Any of these meds that work so well for one thing can have a depressant affect. Guess you will have to tell yourself you deserve that good cry.
Lordy, now the gyne? Can your regular doc not let you just bring in a swab? Did you try monistat just "in case" it's a yeast. Seems like if it isn't one thing it is another.
I hope this is a good day for you. You are so in the thoughts of us all.

Good morning Lea - I hope you're feeling better and better today! I wanted to mention that when I had terrible symptoms during Covid (dizziness, nausea, feeling very weak), every morning, when I could barely stand, I would force myself to drink coconut water ..and I would also have watermelon several times during the day. It helped with my dizziness and hydration - and actually watermelon is known to give you a bit of a lift - maybe it's the electrolytes.
I hope today is filled with peace and comfort ~

LL, nausea is so awful... been there, done that with decades vertigo. I take Zofran because it doesn't make me sleepy, but I read that it hasn't worked for you.

If you struggle to find meds that control your nausea, maybe ask about Stugeron (cinnarizine). IDK if it's available in the US (it is in Canada). My youngest son (the experienced open-sea sailor) swears by it over Zofran. I've not taken it myself, but only putting it out there as something to ask about if you run out of solutions. My son can't sing its praises enough.

Scripture du jour:

"Take a good look at God’s work.
Who could simplify and reduce Creation’s curves and angles
To a plain straight line?
On a good day, enjoy yourself;
On a bad day, examine your conscience.
God arranges for both kinds of days
So that we won’t take anything for granted."

- Ecclesiastes 7:3-14 (The Message)
Words from King Solomon, a man who "had it all".

Lea: You're very welcome for the tip on the tummy drops. I'm usually a skeptic by nature so I was surprised when they worked the first time. I'm glad that Chuck was able to get your Ativan. Sorry, though, that you had another rough night. Hopefully tonight you are sleeping well.
On the subject of dizziness, I can relate, having been dx'd with presyncope a year and a half ago. I am glad that your dizziness has abated.

Thanks for helping to put my mind at ease Bandy. I appreciate it. Sounds like a terrible ordeal you and your mom went thru.


Loved your advice! Nothing like hearing the actual facts. I will say it again. you were a blessing to your darling husband. We are all learning lots of practical advice on nausea and constipation.

Just like Lea and Chuck are for each other. It’s so lovely to see such love and support.

Oh gosh, Lea

Sorry I totally missed the sarcasm in your remark about eggshells. LOL

I have one daughter who loves eggs, and the other one won’t touch scrambled eggs, poached yes, fried yes, boiled, yes but won’t go near scrambled eggs!

I am so glad that you are feeling better. Yay! Everyone had great suggestions!

Childhood memories are funny. Like yours with the eggs. I wouldn’t eat spinach for years because my brother told me that they only served it on the day that they mowed the lawn at our school. LOL I was only in the first grade, so I took the bait! I thought they were serving lawn clippings!

Sea Bands are a great idea! Chuck went to the pharmacy and got the Ativan. I feel much better after pooping a few times ☺ 😊 today and no nausea!

Colleen, all these types of meds leave me feeling weepy

The wooziness is lifting a bit too. The nurse said I have to go to the gynecologist now to see what the itching is all about. I'm disliking her more and more ughhhhhhhh. Bandy, did you doubt your story about your hospitalization over an untreated yeast infection WOULD leave me feeling anxious with all the rest of the chaos going on???????? 🤯 Here I am w similar symptoms except not ongoing for 6 months. My right side pain is on again/off again.

Hope, ginger ale is my go to drink.

FunkyG, the 2x a day miralax regimen w the rest of it should hopefully keep me regular....if not, thanks for the heads up.

NHWM, the shells weren't intentional. Just a sign of a bad cook of eggs 🙄.....who still insisted on cooking eggs.

I bought a new tablet and the keyboard is SO SMALL it's frustrating the snot out of me. I'm packing the pos up now and sending it back.

I second the idea of Sea Bands. They work by activating the acupressure points in your inner wrists. Follow the instructions on placement very carefully.

Lea, I am so sorry to hear about your's a horrible feeling and I really hope it passes for you as quickly as possible. I don't know if you've ever tried "sea bands"...I use it when flying and it helped me tremendously because I get a lot of motion sickness with turbulence. It's something you can buy on Amazon - and just to make sure it doesn't impact your treatment, it's best to ask your doctor first. They're bands that you wear on your wrist and I've read that it helps some cases during cancer treatments with nausea. And, also peppermint oil aromatherapy is supposed to help too - it's supposed to lift the feeling of nausea. And just eating dry toast or crackers to coat your stomach...and also ginger ale.

Sending love and prayers for your continued healing ...we're all thinking about you :)

Re:Ativan-while relieving my nausea, it made me VERY depressed and anxious! 🧐 I’ll take depressed over nauseous any day, though! Weird, how meds can help and hurt, sometimes!

Anyway, praying that you get some relief!

Maybe Chuck can put his phone on that accessibility feature that causes it to flash when it rings? Maybe it would wake him up, if placed just so, on his night stand? I guess that would also mean that you’d have to take yours to the 🚽 in the middle of the night!

Okay, I will hush and pray, like I said ⬆️. 😎

Lealonnie, when my late husband became very constipated towards the end of his life from the high doses of fentanyl he was on, his hospice nurse gave him a shot in his arm of Relistor, and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that within 15 minutes he was on the bedside commode pooping up a storm. I had never seen so much poop. In fact I thought he was going to overflow the bedside commode.
I know that was for some of you TMI, but if it can help you Lealonnie, it might be worth mentioning it to your doctor.

LL, my youngest son has detested eggs from birth. I can't relate to that and still often forget, even though he's now 24! It's a shame since they are a must-have staple for bachelors (that, and cereal) ;-)

I missed the scripture du jour today... better late than never.

Because you desire strength, know that you have a Powerful God who loves you:

"Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to God, giving voice together,
I’m singing my heart out to God—what a victory!
    He pitched horse and rider into the sea.
God is my strength, God is my song,
    and, yes! God is my salvation.
This is the kind of God I have
    and I’m telling the world!
This is the God of my father—
    I’m spreading the news far and wide!
God is a fighter,
    pure God, through and through."

- Exodus 15:2-3 (The Message)


My word, Zofran helps with one thing and hurts another. What a frustrating situation!

I’m with you and Colleen, you may as well go with the Ativan. Hope that you get relief soon. You’ve been miserable for too long.

My husband loves soft boiled eggs with toast torn up in them, but no shells tossed in! LOL, sounds gross 🤮 to me. He eats eggs prepared other ways too.

I do like eggs. I am glad that my mom didn’t make us eat things that we didn’t like growing up. She encouraged us to taste it but if we didn’t like something she never forced us to eat it.

The nuns were not so nice at my school. They made us eat everything on our plate or we were punished. There were a few times that I chose to skip recess for punishment over eating nasty food.

I took lunch to school most of the time to avoid having to eat yucky food or giving up my recess.

After another night of being woken up by nausea, I called the oncology nurse. Zofran CAUSES constipation as it turns out, and I've been taking too much of it. She is asking Dr C to okay Ativan which she agrees with you Colleen is an excellent way to combat nausea AND relax at the same time, especially helpful for pediatric oncology patients, she said. I'm to take Miralax morning and night now 😑 along with the milk of mag I've been taking, and add senna if necessary. Perhaps my new lifestyle will be sitting on the toilet instead of the bed/recliner. The dizziness needs to get better soon or they'll have to "look into it" whatever that means. I think I have a giant Catch 22 going on, personally......constipation causing nausea and full feeling where I can't eat, etc. God give me strength. Today the mild rash is back on my legs. Welcome to the crazy house 😐 is all I have to say. The nurse sees no side effects for chronic cotton mouth or unquenchable thirst, so I told her to call me before they write a new handout so I can add all sorts of new side effects to the list 🙄

NHWM, fascinating that books have been written on the subject of finding dimes! I had no idea, ty for that info.

Alva, idk about Cipro being on a 'fear' list, but I do know it's super strong and poorly tolerated by many, including my late mother. Cipro is like killing a fly w an elephant gun in many instances and should be reserved, imo, for strong infections only and as a last resort. I haven't thrown up either but boy howdy, I wish I would have a few times. As far as eggs go, i detest them. Mom forced me to eat a soft boiled egg w white bread torn up in it (and shells too) every day of my life till i was 13. When i was 13, i said NOT ONE MORE EGG WILL EVER CROSS MY LIPS AGAIN. Just the thought of that is making me feel like hurling. Which is too bad bc an egg is the perfect food, aside from the cost.

Llama, Amazon said I have to take a break from ordering or they'll have to assign a truck just for me! 😂🤣 J/k.....its my debit card issuing me the warning. I'm hoping the Ativan (and a good POOP) cures this nausea w/o the need to look for further cures. But if not, I'll order those tummy drops.

I'm venturing into the shower now and sitting on the tile bench in there so if the dizziness acts up, I won't fall. Chuck dragged a walker out of the garage last night to put next to my bed which was a bigger TRIP HAZARD than 4 unrubberized throw rugs on a freshly waxed hardwood floor! Men. He's pretty deaf as it is, wears a Bluetooth earpiece that cuts off hearing in one ear entirely, so if I'm screaming for help, he'd never know it. I have to CALL him on the phone to get a response. Meaning, if I fall off the toilet, I'll lay there all night! Yay.


Finding Dimes: A Journey of Faith, Hope and Prayer.

Maureen McCormick McHugh is the author who lives in Long Island, NY.

Dimes from Heaven

Monica Morrissey is the author and finds dimes from her father.

The Impact of a Dime

Gerarldine Morgan

The Meaning of Finding Coins: Messages and Spiritual Insights

Kimberly Ahri


I was just thinking about you and I googled ‘dime’ on a whim.

Did you know that there is a perfume called Dime? It has a lot of positive reviews.

I have never heard of this brand before, maybe you have. Every time I see a dime now, I say an extra prayer for you.

Sending many hugs your way today and hoping that you won’t be in too much discomfort from the side effects of your recent treatment.

Lea, so very sorry you are having the nausea thing. It was what I had the most problem with when I took chemo and the goofy thing was I never upchucked, just felt nauseated and had bad taste in my mouth. Experienced that again when I got diverticulitis and had to take a 10 day course of cipro (which I always tolerated great, but which has moved onto the "fear list" with drugs, AND flagyl. That latter one kept me so nauseated I almost could not swallow it at one point. A great way to lose a lot of weight fast, but that combo surely did wipe out the diverticulitis. So I hope the same thing is happening for you.
The vet is sure right in that we humanize our dogs, but I guess in a lot of instances they are more loving than our humans, hee hee. I don't know about those diets that are fresh meats. When you think of it it is a dog's natural diet in the wild, and there ARE wild dogs. They basically are carnivores, not omnivores. Just look at those teeth. I do think we have genertically changed them now to the point they don't tolerate it, the meat that is. I think they often can't tolerate our wheat as it is grown now to be more seed than plant, and lots of allergies come from it. When I had dogs with wheat allergies they thrived on Natural Balance Limited ingredients. Yike, expensive today as our Jeffrey, our co-foster, is on it.
Hang in there and I will check in evening to hope the nausea is a bit abated. Don't wait to get what you need from your MD. He/she is aware that with what you are dealing with, you aren't a hypochondriacal whiner. You should have what you need for nausea and pain and should call when it isn't working for a few days.
Thinking about you so much. By the way, I consider eggs nature's perfect food. No matter what this or that or the most current studies say.

Lea: I am so sorry that you had such a horrible night. Prayers and hugs, dear lady.
For nausea, you may want to get some "tummy drops" from Amazon. Made with peppermint, I always keep some on hand. They do work! My DH and I have had to use them from time to time.


My daughter just bought some of those bones because the rawhide ones are supposed to be bad. They are very expensive!

Yes, dogs are being humanized! It is hard not to spoil them but some people do go a bit overboard.

Have you noticed how several restaurants are calling themselves ‘dog’ friendly because they are allowed to be guests on the patios. They place bowls of water out for them and hand out treats to them.

Good to know Colleen. No, I have no Ativan on hand. Oddly enough though, I had 1/2 a Xanax left and I took it this did help me relax and sleep, and I woke up with much less nausea. Thanks for the heads up. It's too bad you went thru such grief w nausea during your health crisis. It's a really horrible thing to experience. My oncologist said it's likely coming from the liver cancer. So in my mind, I'm seeing all those tumors and lesions in my liver shrinking up from the immunotherapy and causing me this nausea. Thankfully the Zofran does help for a little while at least, but I'll ask Dr C about Ativan in 2 weeks.

NHWM my vet said people are treating their dogs like humans lately (shocking...not) and making them sick! I was feeding Honey some of that Pet Fresh when she was sick and the vet nixed it. Told me to go back to the lamb Science Diet which now has been villainized due to being "hard brown pellets" which has been notoriously good for dogs until the niche market snuck in to make US feel like bad pet parents. The one thing I like to buy Honey is NoHide chews. No rawhide in them so easy to digest. She loves them, but they're expensive.


Back in the early days of my health issues, my nausea was so bad, I ended up in the ER whole bunch of times.

FINALLY, a doc had mercy on me and gave me some Ativan. It was the ONLY thing that worked. (He said that it is sometimes given to cancer patients, who get so nauseous from chemo.) Sometimes, a half, or even a quarter of one helped. Zofran NEVER did.

Soo, hypothetically, if you have some kicking around…

Praying for some relief for you, tonight.


Yes, one week something is reportedly bad, the next week it’s good again! I still can’t figure out what “they” consider proper nutrition. It’s confusing.

I’m going to eat eggs! LOL 😆 Some people say yes, others say no. I like eggs and I am going to eat them.

I never know what to believe. It’s sort of like our weather. We tell people that if they don’t like it, they can stick around because in twenty minutes it will change again!

The thing that gets to me about eating meat lately is some people try to push their preferences on their pets!

I went to buy my grand pooch dog treats last week in the pet store by me for when he stays at our house. We watch him when my daughter goes out of town.

The woman who owns the store proudly told me that she sells ‘vegan and vegetarian’ dog food! I almost laughed out loud but refrained from being rude.

Really??? Are there vegetarian dogs in this world?

Thanks Pam. Costco carries them too and 2 of our kids have memberships.

NHWM, in my book, anything w 32 gms of protein And 1 gm of sugar constitutes a "complete meal". Who's in charge of making such statements these days anyway, what nincompoop has been appointed to tell us what we s/b eating? The liars who load foods down w sugar and call it healthy? Bill Gates maybe, who's buying up all the farmland in the country to put cattle farmers out of biz bc he's decided meat is now "unhealthy" but insects and Impossible Burgers are? Fake meat is ground up junk food. Humans have been eating meat since caveman days, but read up on how healthy cookies and sugared cereal is these days, given higher points in nutritional value than a chicken breast! Everyone has an agenda and a narrative about what constitutes "healthy eating" which is all lies. I determine what I eat based on how it makes me feel. J/S
I do miss my coffee even though I can't stomach it. Never was a tea drinker but ginger lemon is good for nausea. Got to see if I can find it in the pantry!

Sams has good prices on PP, MY hubs is drinking while awaiting his mouth surgury to get done! Maybe someone can go get you some quicker!


I am glad that you are feeling a bit better.

Yes, order the shakes if that is the only thing that you can tolerate right now. It doesn’t sound like you will be able to eat anything just yet. I am sorry that your stomach and taste buds are out of whack for the time being.

I know that you need the nutrients but I certainly understand how you wouldn’t want to eat anything that will make you feel worse. Yuck!

Do those shakes serve as a complete meal?

I know what you mean about coffee. I love my coffee too. The only time I didn’t drink it was during my pregnancy. What about hot tea or are you not a tea drinker?

Alva, I just PMed you and my messages are back up, at least for now. Ty for sticking with me. 😍

I am fixed, Lea. I need a social media vaca now, but not from YOU. I will be here daily to check on you. I don't want you to have to reach out to me any other way but here. You are doing enough on media with all you are dealing with. I will come here every day, and if I am not here there will be a good reason. So relieved you are hanging in there s/p your second treatment.

JoAnn I will turn my disabled message feature back on for now and contact Alva too. It's too bad this site is continually dysfunctional and admins "have no idea what's going on." Betcha if they hired a competent IT team, they would have an idea of what's going on. 🙄

Funky and NHWM, I'm feeling better this afternoon thank God. I've lost my taste for COFFEE which is insane, after being a pot a day drinker my whole life. Also all foods taste extremely salty to me now, but not sweet tasting foods. So its become tough for me to eat. I found a Premiere Protein choc shake in the fridge that Chuck was drinking after his t/p, 32 gms of protein in each 8 oz container and 1 gm of sugar, just 160 calories though. I'll go order more of them bc they're easy on my stomach and don't taste salty. Tonight I'll have a fruit smoothie made w Muscle Milk protein powder which is high calorie, unlike Premiere. The thought of drinking meals appeals to me especially since I'm totally parched all the time. And no nausea from the shake, thankfully. I still have that woozy feeling of just having come off a ride, though. Which actually started right after the 2nd infusion last Thurs.

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