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Your speech is jumbled and hesitant and your thoughts are all over the place because you haven't spoken to unimpaired adults for such along time, the art of speaking with any intelligence has temporarily flown the coop.

When you can't even remember any more what it used to be like to live on your OWN schedule.

When putting groceries in the car and your loved ones gets into the car you're parked next to, doesn't phase you anymore and it's just another trip to the store :)))

Jeanette, too busy laughing at each other I guess. Trash day here too.

When you go to the Chinese take out buffet and find yourself just "picking" certain items out of the entrees instead of taking a whole spoonful of each because those items are softer and she'll be able to chew them better....

And then end up telling her yes, the lo mein came that way because it's so much easier than trying to explain how the broccoli and mushrooms really got there

When the sound of the garbage truck reminds you it's Thursday and you run like mad to haul the container out only to was too late :( I do this all the time!! I should set my phone alarm already :/

Karen, mom puts ALL of her dishes in her bathroom. Took me awhile to figure that one out cuz.... her bathroom is not my favorite place ;)

You know you are a caregiver when things come up missing only to find a frying pan in the the bathroom.

Last one, I promise...

If you've managed to withstand all those stare daggers because you just HAD to watch the Jeff Foxworthy video because this is way more fun than... well, you know :D

Wait wait....I have one more :)

When you're excited that mom's first neurologist appt is in two weeks...simply because YOU WANT SOME!! and yes, I plan on begging for something!!

You know you're a caregiver if...You've sat here, read this entire thread, literally laughing out loud, tears rolling down your face, cheeks hurting due to the hysterical laughing and your loved one is sitting across the room, arms folded, throwing death stare daggers at you because they are not getting the attention....and you keep reading because you want to join the FUN!!

When you ransack your loved ones room, drawers, pockets and under the pillows for those "neatly folded clean paper towels" so you can wash all 15 windows, stove, microwave, mirrors...and have enough left to do the outside!


When you see no refills and you think " Oh, crap, I was going to take some of this MYSELF"

YAYA, I would panic too!

When seeing "No Refills" on the label for her anti-psychotic med (as you're about to call one in) throws you into panic mode.

When you are determined to find the cause of the chronic diarrhea she has dealt with for sixty years or more. Willing to try anything. Doc suggests probiotic, you think whatever, and eliminate butter and the frequency is much decreased and haven't had a mess in a couple of months now!

For those of you that also deal with this, I purchased a Walgreens brand in a green and white box, blister packaging, and in capsule form if you need to sprinkle on food!


Love this site! You know you are a caregiver when you are throwing away the "pretend" stuff he has put in your hand and he bellows, "What the h*ll are you doing to the cat!?" (There is no cat.)

Father is bedridden and cannot even stand up at all. His legs can no longer support him. I've been very tired for the past week. A few nights ago, I had to take off his shoes in order to change his soiled slacks. (He insists on wearing pants and shoes in case there's a fire, he can run out of the door.) After changing his pampers, I put on his shoes last. As soon as I was done with the last foot, he said very calmly and matter-of-fact, "The shoes are on the wrong feet."

I blinked at him, stared at the shoes, and broke out hysterically laughing.. and with much embarrassment!

Mom comes home from her day program with a Mother's Day card she made and thinks I have given it to her. She is very appreciative and thanks me for the beautiful card. I just smile and say you're welcome.

You know you're a caregiver whenever there's a work-related invitation (luncheon appointment, business dinner function, etc...), you pause before answering while quickly thinking, "Can I find a sitter? Can I get home in time before he falls asleep and cannot wake up so that I can change his pamper?" Only one time I came home late and he absolutely refused to wake up to change his pamper. Him and the bed was a mess the next morning.

You know you are a caregiver when you are at your wits end and no one understands why

@pamstegman - Yep, my MIL is always deferring to me too! Her neurologist asked her the other day if she was in any pain, and MIL turned and looked at me. I just put my hands up and said "Sorry, m'dear. You're on your own on this one!"

You know you are a caregiver when you post on this thread

You know you are a caregiver when she tells the doctor to talk to you instead of consulting her children. (and I'm just the daughter in law)

I'm on the right Veronica.....and I really do know my own Birthday. LOL!

Which one is you Boni?

I put Moms D.O.B. on the dentist form yesterday! It's her code for so many things that it just came out! I look pretty good for 80! LOL

LOL Yaya! I have almost done that myself with my mom's medical history since I know it so well! :)

You know you're a caregiver when...
you're at a doctor's appointment for yourself and realize after you're all done filling out those 2-3 pages of medical history forms they gave you, that you just listed all the meds your MIL is taking...*sigh*

The missing purse! You betcha!

You know you are a caregiver
if you can reassure the nurses in the hospital, that the purse they are frantically searching for, does not exist...

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