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This is similar to what my mom went thru. It took a long time to get to the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy Bodies.
Helpful Answer (4)

PSW, just to draw your attention to this specifically:

"she believes a crew comes in at night to work on things in the house (rearranges bricks in the fireplace, paints walls, etc.) and a woman steals her clothes, but replaces them with old ones."

1. If the OP's mother reports that to the police, they will mark her down as a batty old woman; and the next time she calls because she thinks she's heard a prowler outside they will be slower to respond.

2. The OP's anxieties have no rational basis, and therefore a rational assurance from even the nicest, kindest policeman will do nothing to soothe them.

In other, more general cases though I would agree with you - a home security check from your local police force is often a very good idea.
Helpful Answer (2)

firstdaughter3, hi and how are you? Just a suggestion since she's 90 and leaving alone why not go and ask the police in her area to give her a visit and talk to her and made assurance they(the police) will check her surroundings, we can always ask police assisstance in case of this and make sure you check the surroundings, too of any place outside the house, that a person can make possible force entry.Hope you resolve the situation.Have a great day.
Helpful Answer (3)

How long has your mother been taking the statin? Confusion is listed among the common side-effects for Lipitor, it might be worth trialling a break from it and seeing if it makes any difference.

You must tell her doctor if you decide to try this, but be prepared for some impatient huffing and pooh-poohing from him, smile sweetly and say "nevertheless..." Many doctors won't hear a word against statins and dismiss all complaints out of hand.
Helpful Answer (5)

Here is what I did:

I went to the police station myself, presented my driver's license, address, phone number, e-mail address, and explained what was going on, namely, that my mother would call to say that her car had been stolen. Two months later when my mother called to tell them that her car had been stolen--by me-- they had it in their notes on the portable tablet, and knew to appease her.

They were so cool about it that they didn't even bother to tell me it had happened. I found out because my mom told me the police had been at her house. I checked at the police station and they confirmed what I have said above.

So, be active, be preemptive. It is so much easier. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helpful Answer (8)

She has been tested? And they say she is OK even though you have told them about this behavior? I assume you accompany her to these appointments and she was displaying this behavior at that time? Has she been tested recently for a UTI? Has anyone checked her medications and whether she has been taking them properly daily? Are you able to spend a few nights with her? Just to really see how she is? Then go with her to her Geriatrician and talk. There needs to be follow up. Obviously this behavior is not OK. I would also recommend you look into a product that has been excellent for us. It is called TeleCalm. It really works and, at this point, could be very beneficial for your mom.
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I had to stop the Benedryl for my DH and that stopped his hallucinations. I found creams to handle his itching instead and life went on.

The doctor said that Benedryl can cause hallucinations in the elderly. Talk to the doctor. Maybe something is triggering these delusions. Always check for UTI's. If Mom uses Depends, she could also have a yeast infection. A low-grade fever can also cause problems.  I tend to hallucinate with a low-grade fever.
Helpful Answer (3)

Has anyone suggested Dementia with Lewy Bodies to you? Delusions and hallucinations are common with that form of careful with medications as a lot of anti-psychotic meds are contra-indicated with this condition. Cognition tends to wax and wane as well. Google it and you will find a lot more information. Wish I could help more.
Helpful Answer (5)

Thank you so much everyone for the thoughtful responses. Yes, thanks for the UTI suggestion - we had her checked weeks ago for that and she's fine - we were really hoping it would be that easy. And it gets more perplexing. Her house if fairly clean and well kept. My brother goes by every day (M-F), cooks breakfast, takes her to the grocery, doctors, etc. He is so close to her, he sometimes doesn't cope with her and lashes out - which doesn't do any good. I go over one or twice a week (and spend the night) as does my sister. It's just the house that she stresses about and the coming and going of the gang. Maybe it is that she doesn't know how to keep up (altho my brother does things and fixes things for her). She's a tiny thing, so will check into meds side effects and see about Zyprexa. Trying to get her an appt with a Brain Therapy Center. Any other ideas anyone has, please send them my way. It's just so hard. Thank you all!
Helpful Answer (6)

My mom was having delusions a while before she was actually diagnosed with dementia. She was “being stalked” by a man who lived at the apartment. She was in her mid-80’s at the time and, like your mom, lived a healthy life. No meds. No other odd behaviors at that time, just an irrational fear of this man. He never did anything to give her cause to believe he had any reason to “stalk” her. Keep tabs on these occurrences with your mom and if they become more frequent, speak with her primary care.
Helpful Answer (3)

Reading the answers posted after mine, it reminded me of the nightmares children have of monsters underneath the bed. Not having children, I have no experience with this, but wonder ….Parents here, to what did you attribute your children's nightmares? Fear of monsters? Watching monster movies? Anxiety?

In dementia, behaviors often revert to childlike ones; perhaps there's a common element with imaginative dreams.
Helpful Answer (5)

Some years ago my mother would tell me a large man with a beard was standing by her dresser watching her sleep ( she lives in her own locked up home in a gated community so I assumed vivid dreams) But she would describe in great detail .. and over time more often. Then , if you remember those miners stuck under ground some years back and was quite a lot of news coverage.. she was obsessed and upset the entire time ( she stayed up all night watching updates)
I rationalized each episode ... getting older .. not busy enough but it was upsetting for both of us.

You mentioned your mom sees a neurologist... you may want to mention her stories to him /her. I mentioned in passing the stories and her vivid details to her neurologist and imagine my shock when he said he wanted to try her on Zyprexa.. I was appalled as I knew it as a medicine for psychotic/obsessive thoughts. He essentially said same part of the brain...

Long story still long... it worked .. she hasn't had obsessive thoughts or the terrible nightmares of purple monsters she was describing.

As I was sleeping here every other night back then ( 24/7 now) I knew no one was in her house but was shocked that the neurologist just nodded and said ok ... this is what to do. As a side effect ... the med is taken at bedtime and helps her mostly sleep through.

I figured might be worth a conversation with your mom's doctor ....Sorry so long but I didn't want to just say --- hey try this drug !!!!💟
Helpful Answer (16)

There's definitely something going on there - reading your description, I could have been reading about my own grandmother.

Similar stories from her dementia journey:

- Someone was breaking into the house by entering the attic window (3 stories up), exiting the locked/barricaded attic door, getting meat out of the (locked) freezer, cooking & eating it, then washing the dishes and putting them away. The reason for the story? She couldn't find her favorite skillet - so the criminals must have put it away where she couldn't find it.

- She was a CIA/FBI/DEA agent - or all three, depending on the day. She'd claim the neighbors were drug dealers and hide behind the shrubs armed with her blue slouch hat and dark sunglasses and a huge thermos of coffee and watch them all day.

...and so many more.

I hope you can find some answers - I can't really add too many more suggestions than have already been made here, but just know that you're not alone and you can come here anytime to vent, ask questions or just talk about the situation.
Helpful Answer (13)

firstdaughter3, also have your Mom checked for an Urinary Tract Infection, as such infections can cause strange dreams and other behavioral issues in the elderly. The test can be done at Mom's primary doctor's office. Antibiotics are usually prescribed.

If this isn't a UTI but something more to the affect of dementia "sundowning", then GardenArtist above had some excellent ideas.
Helpful Answer (11)

The reason I ask is because I've found that if I eat later, I often have difficulty sleeping, and sometimes have bizarre caregiving lookback nightmares in the morning. They're sometimes so intense that they seem real.

I asked about Ambien b/c 3 nurses have told me it caused nightmares for them. Bizarre nightmares.

But your mother is experiencing the same "vision", repeatedly, so it's not a nightmare. Is her house in need of cleaning and/or repair? Sometimes these unconscious concerns can manifest themselves in "visions" or "delusions." Beyond that, I'm puzzled.

There are others here with more experience and hopefully can help you.

As to reporting to the police, perhaps you could tell her a therapeutic fib, such as that you did contact the police for her, they're checking to determine if anyone else has had that problem and will let her know IF they are able to find the "perpetrators". Or maybe that other people have had similar problems but it seems the perpetrators are moving from city to city and it's hard to track them down.

If she asks again, or repeatedly, make a pretend private call, or call from work or away from home, then tell her that they're still trying to find the people, that they've driven by her house at night but don't see any unusual activity.

Or you might even ask the police if they have any suggestions that could comfort her w/o involving actual police involvement.

There's probably a reason that she focuses on fixing the house, replacing clothing, and cleaning. Can you think of a reason why these would be specific areas of concern?
Helpful Answer (6)

Yes - she eats late in the evening. She eats veggies, beef, chicken, cereal, etc. Pretty normal and no meds at night. Only lipitor and low dose alprazolam in morning.
Helpful Answer (1)

Does she have dinner later in the evening? High sugar or refined foods diet? What meds does she take in the evening? Ambien?
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