
Ive called the police, Crimes against seniors and adult protection service. They wont or cant do anything. These girls are heroin addicts and thieves. One has already been put behind bars a couple months ago. Then her girlfriend moved in. They are providing sex. using heroin (by needle), stealing checks, debit card, jewelry, guns and my dad simple says well if it was your mother would you say anything about me giving her money.
I don't know what else I can do to get her out of his house.

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If he is of sound mind there is nothing you can do except keep away till this meets it's natural and inevitable end. I just hope you dad does not end up behind bars too. I guess us women make poor choices too but men and sex they are the pitts. They all pay dearly in the end but there is no telling them.
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Drugs= Illegal,, the police should help with this. I live in Arizona and the city I am in has a crime supression unit and they are all over that stuff. I am concerned for your father being elderly and being around desperate heroin addicts. His safety is at risk. Hopefullly someone puts an end to it, usually if the cops are around the druggies don't stick around for long.. Good luck
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Sounds like dad has fallen in with a bad crowd, just like a teenager. Drugs, in his house could become a bigger problem.


Is there a brother or uncle who can talk to him man to man?

I would run a background check to see if any of these darlings have outstanding warrants, if so, I would turn them in. Be careful, or the homeowner can end up with the drug charges.
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im working right now for a guy with a lot of money and a totally trophy wife. he bitterly comments that women are the most expensive real estate one could ever rent. its rather sad. seems to me a good man or woman would love for mutual attraction instead of material gain.
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Who has dad's POAs? If you do and he is not competent you could do a number of things. If there are not POA in place you need to get that done now! But be careful, dad sounds like he wants the services he is receiving. Does he have an attorney that may be willing to speak with him? Often times these sorts of things can be handled mush more effectively by impartial third parties.
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I don't blame you for wanting her gone! But it is Dad's house, Dad's money, and Dad's risks. Apparently what he is getting out of it is worth it to him. Sad. You might suggest he could find a different gold digger with better habits.

Maybe nature will take its course and this one will be arrested, too. And maybe Dad will get tired of the whole adventure and move on to some other pleasure. But if you have already tried the police and APS, I think your hands are tied.
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