My grandmother doesn't fell like eating? What supplements as far as shakes and nuti bars ar ethe best to get her some nutrition? We tried ensure and boost and she doesn't like them. IS there anything else online we can try? She has loss so much weight.
11 Answers
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One thing to consider - how is your grandmother's overall health? If she is late stage Alzheimer's or cancer, her body may not want food as her organs are shutting down. But if she is reasonably healthy, but has no appetite, certainly encouraging her to eat is good. Don't badger, though. That will make it worse.
I'd put fresh fruit around, easy to eat types like strawberries and blueberries. Light food generally goes down better than meat and potatoes. Puddings (maybe with added protein) can be good. Cancer sites often have good suggestions, including the one on this site.
Lindy Lou
Thanks for your input. Will definitely try her on shakes (hot and cold). We live in South Africa and it is winter (freezing cold at the moment) and I am sure she will liek the vanilla and hot chocalate. Were do you live and does your dad live with you?
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