Today, I drove up to attend my mother's eye doctor's appointment with her. The appointment was at 9:50 and I arrived in plenty of time as did the transportation people.
However, the wheel chair that has always been in her room since the end of April was not there. It was time to go, but they had to fine a wheel chair. The nurse had not given my mother her morning meds with breakfast and so she did it right then.
In moving her from the bed to the wheel chair she experienced a skin tear on her left shin. Then the people took up more time getting the right foot rests for the wheelchair. The transportation director of the nursing home called the eye doctor to inform them that we were not going to be on time.
Well, after all that drama, we were 20 minutes late and my mother was greatly exhausted already. When I made the appointment, I told the person that my mother needed to see the doctor about an eye infection that would not go away with what the nursing home had tried. However, once we got in the eye technician proceeded with the steps of a normal eye check up, but I stoped her to tell her what I had already said about her eyes. By that time my mother's energy was gone and she was begging to return to the nursing home.
So, we went back and found her bed had not been made up which meant we had more waiting. This sort of drama has never taken place at this nursing home since she moved there in April. It was not a good day for the state people to be coming through evaluating the place as did the medicare people the day before.
The transportation people could not believe the drama we experieinced today for they have never seen this take place before. Not that this one person is to blame, but the previous nurse for that hall was a very experienced older nurse who moved recently to a smaller nursing home and this new nurse appears to be just learning the ropes.
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