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Aleeta Asked May 2010

What course of action would you suggest for an elderly neighbor who has no network of support, no living children or siblings, and has just received a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's?

What course of action would you suggest for an elderly neighbor who has no network of support, no living children or siblings, who has just received a diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's? There really is no one to step in and help see the inevitable outcome to its conclusion as the years pass and the condition gets worse.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF May 2010
I'd contact your social services. He needs a safety net. They will do a welfare check on him. I had a neighbor like that - I became his default caregiver. But he didn't have Alzheimer's. This person needs help and is fortunate to have a caring neighbor. Please call social services - adult - and tell them the situation.



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