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vivi Asked April 2011

What are the financial requirements of going to a nursing home?

what are the financial requirements.  wuld blue cross and medicare take care it.  do i loose my husbands social security?also how much financially am i able to have in bank savings checking

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Apr 2011
It sounds like your husband may be going into a nursing home or going on Medicaid. Every state is a little different. Blue Cross doesn't cover nursing homes, nor does Medicare. You might want to call adult social services (in your phone book) for some assistance.
Take care of yourself,

toadballet1 Apr 2011
If you qualify by income, you may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Speak with your doctor, social services in your town, or call the hospital and ask to speak with a social worker to help get you startd. When you fill out the paperwork they will tell you how much income/property you can keep.

Here is the Medicaid website:

If you pay privately, monthly charges can be anywhere from $6,000. to $8,000.



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