I never seem to get a break I work and also take care of my 86 year old mom she lives 10 minutes from me.l had to move closer to her because my sister who said she was helping her wasn't .My brother who is her poa does nothing. Mom calls me as soon as I get home she says she lonley.l am married and this puts so much stress on my family at home.l do home care so after takeing care of a client all day then mom as soon as I get off work I'm burn out.And I still have my home .I really don't know what to do anymore.
Mom's aide came down with Shingles. She is home recuperating. Now I am worried that Mom could have caught it? Is it possible. The nurse said that if she had the chicken pox she won't get the shingles but I heard just the opposite. I heard that if you did have it you still carry the virus. Which is true?
I'm not a psychiatrist, but it looks like she's going through the Stages of Grief. Look them up in the Internet. It should give you an idea what stage she's in and why she's behaving a certain way.
Personally, I don't think it's dementia. But check the Stages before making an appointment with a MH specialist. They might Rx medications that'll really flip her script. Good luck my friend.
@TahooTeddy My mom was falling at first so she went in for brain scan which ok, then dr asked her multiple questions personal, math all kinds then diagnosed dementia.? she also had full physical before w/blood tests. My dad died 8mo ago her dementia has progressed rapidly since. I feel depression added to this or visa versa. Shes not eating either and diabetic Just doing my best....
I wonder what kind of tests they give for dementia, the nursing home has said my mom has dementia, wonder how long she has actually had it because my mom has had depression for a long time, could have been dementia.
Drs. say mom has dementia and now we are going to a neurologist to see if she is in the begin of parkinson I have poa and now do I keep her at home or look for other living facilities..I had to give up my job to care for her sometimes it angers me not being able to do as I please with my husband just the 2 of us..Sorry for venting..I love my mother deeply..I have had her a year in May...
My brother is POA also, and I am the one who takes care of her needs. It is so messed up. If my mom needs something, I have to go to him. It is easier just to pay for it myself. She is in assisted living, so my brother has to have a receipt for everything we do with her money, for when she goes on medicaid. I can also relate to you golfqueen. My mom isn't eating anymore either. I try to get her to eat, she wont eat. So scary!!
My mom doesn't want to eat anymore. The aide has a hard time getting anything in her. She will sip her boost and water. How long can she survive without eating? She has dementia, legally blind, incontinence,hard of hearing and will be 96 in 2 weeks. I am going on a trip for a week and am paranoid about leaving.
My brother who is my moms p.o.a never goes to take her to the Dr and never does anything for he keeps her check book and when she needs something I have to get it she 86 and when I took her to Dr the Dr said she was in the early stages of demica Im not working and the gas alone taking her for her appts is killing me last week she was really sick I had to take her to the hospital I called my brother to tell him the Dr said she needed to start on a med and needed that night he wouldn't come I used every enny I had to get it filled. mom don't even know what a p.o.a.is he just took her to a laser a few years ago and had her sign the papers he keeps all her money and has her bank statement to his house and when I took her in the bank to try to see about it they told her she didn't have any s.s. card I don't know what happen I think he took it .
My mom always suffered from depression, now they are saying she has dementia. She just lost my dad six months ago. I think doctors tend to rush into the diagnosis of dementia in an elderly patient too quick.
Sounds like depression to me. Get her checked out by a doctor if possible. Death takes a toll on all of us and as we age it is even more painful. Good luck.
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Personally, I don't think it's dementia. But check the Stages before making an appointment with a MH specialist. They might Rx medications that'll really flip her script. Good luck my friend.
Still wont hurt to get dr. to see her. If she agrees