My mom had total hip replacement, at 89, almost died. She lived across the country from my brother and myself. After surgery she went into a nursing home, they stated she was depressed and with dementia, she needed to be by family so I brought her near where I live. Since then its been a nightmare. She thinks I stole everything from her (nothing has been touched) she says she wants to hurt me like I hurt her and wants to talk to her attorney, but just doesnt know who he is. Everytime I talk with someone at her current nursing home she tells me to shut up and mind my own business. She doesnt want me to talk with her doctor though she doesn't understand anything regarding her medications. She has started saying that I am wanting her locked away but makes no connection that she needs to have a nurse because of her feeding tube.She is angry because she wants me to take her to her house and leave her there by herself..I think she believes its 20 years ago. I understand her anger about the situation and I try to change the subject and refocus but it never works. She thinks I am the one who won't let her outside by herself no matter what the home says. She was angry when I tried to help her fill out her menu..said she wasnt going to eat what I wanted her to eat but can't do it on her own. I had hoped that at some point she would be able to come to my house but the way she feels about me and the fact that she wont listen to anything I say...along with the tube and that she doesnt always know when its time to go to the bathroom that situation is looking bleek. She says she just wants to get into my car and go for a ride...then what...I know she won't want to go back to the nursing home. How do I talk with her? I keep trying to calm her but since she thinks she is capable of doing things she did 20 years ago its almost impossible. She is in a wheel chair and doesnt walk but one or two steps. All I have wanted to do was help her....
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