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judy1942 Asked October 2012

How come if you have Medicare and then need medical too you can no longer see your docter in private practice?

My husband had to be hospitalized for 7 days. The hospital financial services dept. advised me to apply for medical because of the cost after Medicare I did with help and then when I saw my doctor for my appointment and mentioned I know had medical too I was told I know have to go to the clinic to see him this will mean alonger waiting time and I do not want to leave my husband for to long a time as he neeeds someone here can any one explain this to me I thought that I now have Medicare with medical as a secondary insurance

jeannegibbs Oct 2012
Each provider is allowed to decide whether they will accept Medicare and whether they will accept Medicaid. In my husband's case there were absolutely no changes in his care providers; all of his doctors accepted both Medicare and Medicaid. Apparently you are not so lucky. This is not a Medicaid rule. It is the choice of the doctors and clinics.


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