She is starting to turn away all the foods and drinks she has liked before. She is spitting into a napkin a lot. She chokes, she can't walk anymore. She is up and down in her sleep pattern. 2 nights ago she was up every hour...the last two days she has been sleeping all the time. Last night she slept almost 14 hours.
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For the first 4 months here she was up every hour of the she sleeps almost 16 hours in a day. But it's so nice to have sleep again.
I'm happy to hear that they have had your MIL on hospice that long...It gives me hope. Thank you...
They do an evauation every 6-8 weeks to requalify her.
They have told us there should be no problem keeping her on hospice given her age and alzheimers condition.
Unlike home health care that can only keep them on their program as long as they are under dr. care and having changes in health and medication,both of which my mother in law no longer qualified for with them.
So may I ask? how long has she been with Hospice? Mom has been with them since October...and I am so afraid that they will release her from it and leave me high and dry. Since she has improved a little. I rely on them so much...I don't know how i would cope with out them.
A nurse comes in once a week and another comes in to bathe her 2x's a week.
She has to be bathed in bed as we can no longer get her up.
She doesnt remember how to stand up or walk.
The hospice we have seems to be more interested in just waiting things out.
When we tell them the problems she is having they don't suggest anything to do or anything to give her to help out.
Most of what we do we have just figured out on our own.
We even had to almost beg at one point to get antibiotics for her when she was bordeer line pnuemonia and had bronchitus.
It's almost like they are just waiting for her time to end.
Our concern, as we tell them, is her comfort level until then.
We asked them about her bowel movement issue as she will often go a whole
week or two without a movement and they did finally give us senna tablets to give her.
We give 3 in the am and 3 in the evening crushed up in her food,but that still isn't enough.
We are thankful for the hospice care we have, but just wish they were more up on things with helping us with her different health issues.
Thank you for the suggestions for saliva.
We have started giving her coconut water and she likes that but we can only get a shot glass or 2 in her at a time.
I wonder if the "mucus" is built-up saliva because she is unable to swallow often enough? That was the case for my husband and hospice ordered a patch for behind his ear that helped minimize that problem. The nurse warned that it might give him a dry mouth and then we'd have to decide which symptom was worse, but my husband never complained of a dry mouth. What was wonderful about hospice was their immediate response to each new symptom of discomfort. Their goal truly is to reduce suffering.
Bless you and your husband for taking care of this dear old woman. If you can have hospice assist you I think that will benefit all of you.
She has been with us 2+ years.
She will be 88 dec.31st.
I try to help and relieve him when I get home from work in the evenings and on weekends to give him a break.
Since she has been with us she has regressed to being imobile (bed ridden)
incontinent and mostly unable to eat solid foods.
We liquify all her foods by pureeing them in a blender and have to thin them out with water so she won't throw it up.
She has alot of mucus buildup and she will have days and sometimes weeks that she will continually throw up her food as she will gag on the mucus and the food won't go down.
We also give her a digestive aid and OTC medicine for the mucus buildup and allery medicine to try to cut back some of the mucus problem.
We also either grind up a multi vitamin and mix it in her food on her good days when she can keep some food down and on the days she can't, we give her childrens chewable vitamins and meds and she loves to suck or chew on them.
We feel all of this has to be at least some help..
She has lost alot of weight,prob. only weighs about 80lbs. now.
She doesn't know who we are but we can tell sometimes she will see us as a familiar face.
She is a blessing to have and be able to help.
If we were not taking care of her at home, she probably would not still be alive.
May we all be blesses to have care for us when needed.
Mom also talks sometimes and she makes no sense at all. Then other times she is talking and making complete sentences. I hope and pray both our Marys have peace soon. Glad you are getting some rest too.
She is sleeping better these days. She shows more feeling now than before when she was drugged. I am no longer giving her those meds that messed up her character. She is back to the sweet lady I know.
She's losing interest in food all together. The last few meals have been picked at.
I see the anguish in her eyes. I am ready for her to be at peace. I pray for that time to be during sleep. I don't want my mom to suffer anymore. God Bless all of you compassionate caregivers!
I know. It's so difficult to watch our parents decline and thank God for this wonderful support group we have. Take care, dear friend, I believe we're doing one of the most important things for our parents we could ever do.
Mom was on hospice so whenever I had any questions, I'd ask a nurse. Also, no matter what time of day or night it was, if I had a concern about Mom, I called hospice and they were always very helpful.
Mom was on hospice so whenever I had any questions, I'd ask a nurse. Also, no matter what time of day or night it was, if I had a concern about Mom, I called hospice and they were always very helpful.
I think this irregular pattern is not unusual, according to the hospice books.
I wish you strength and peace through God's love. I pray for His Blessing on you and your family.
She ate a little bit tonight..mainly picking at her food. She still likes cheetos so she got those for a special treat. The coffee she usually loves is not tasting good to her anymore..because every sip she takes she makes a funny face.
She is more alert maybe it's going to be a crazy night but what ever it takes I will be here for her. She deserves it.
Merry Christmas to you all..and may you get rest tonight.
I hope your mother goes in peace, but even if she experiences some agitation at the end, be grateful for all the comfort you have been able to give her along the way. And I am so glad that she has had many years after her own caregiving role ended.
Hugs to you, dear msdaizy.