I will give free room bord meals transportation and monthly pay check. My mother is in need of assistance I need to work, however I am looking for live in help. My mother can walk with her walker she needs a little help bathing she is very meek and loving she needs helping going to the bathroom and bathing.
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I will be blunt, I respect you are doing what you need to do to take care of a problem. I hope I do not start a political discussion.
By providing room and board you pay less than if you hire someone from an agency, also, you skip the agency markup. The down side is there is no insurance and you have to trust the person.
Also, some non medical helpers from agencies are technically not supposed to dispense meds, although sometimes they do.....so a "freelancer" live-in, may actually be more flexible and accomodating than an agency.
If possible, before you bring any stranger into the home, clean the environment. remove bank account statements, change to online banking, to prevent mail. remove or lock away important papers, IRAs, tax forms, etc.. Remove the jewelry, etc.. An abundance of caution is not a bad thing.
Three years ago the going rate in Miami was $300/week for Monday to Friday live-in caring for someone who mosltly slept through the night.....not someone who is in crisis, not someone who needs medical care. This would include light houskeeping and cooking. If you find someone you really like, and you can, pay a little extra, avoid the turnover.
Most people who are willing to take this arraingement do not have roots in town, they are from elsewhere (usually immigrants, NOT necessarily illegal). Often they are new to town and looking to establish themelves. Others, go from one client to the next, these tend to have past references, but not a permanent home. In between engagements, they stay with a relative. I like references or referrals whenever possible. Not having a rent or mortgage is why they are willing to take room and board home in liue of cash.
Ask everyone you know, as I can see you are doing. Ask immigrants, who may have newly arrived relatives, or friends of relatives. The quickest way to tap into someone wanting to do this is to tap into the immigrant communities, try churches. Look into whatever the immigrant community is in your area, Latin, Haitian, Hungarian. You will typically find an upper middle age lady, that prefers to live in your (presumably) nicer neighborhood, than what one can afford on a close to minimum wage job. If they have family in the area, they may want to sleep there on weekends, otherwise, they may need to sleep at your place even on nights they are not working. Also tap into NH and ask the CNAs, some people who do thsi are CNAs.
Language is important, someone who can communicate enough to play cards, or just talk about the weather. Grammar does not need to be perfect, but communication is an important part of being a companion.
If you hire someone you know little about, nanny-cam, drop in unexpectedly. Have friends do drop bys (you know, the ones whos said "if there is anytthing I can do") do whatever you need until you comfortable.
Best of luck to you!