My mother finally ended up in the hospital after all her falls and morphine withdrawal and that whole nightmare. (short version: she was acting insane, we took her to hospital twice, including once at the order of police. Hospital let her go, she deteriorated up to last night)
Last night, she became totally aphasic, she couldn't talk or dress herself. So we called 911. She went to the ER, and was admitted (of course). She called me this afternoon and couldn't remember anything from yesterday at all.
She's been insane today, sobbing and crying because she's convinced that "all the stress from living with these horrible people (me and my dad)" is making her insane. She apparently told the nurses and everyone who will listen, that my dad is beating her and she is afraid for her life.
This is a bold-faced lie.I have seen her hit my dad in the face while drunk. I have never seen him so much as raise a hand back to her. Their marriage is a disaster but my dad is the most gentle person on the planet. He pays for all her food, he cooks for her, he drives her to doctor appointments... He loves her in spite of everything and does NOT beat her!
I told her, "You can't go around telling people that!" Of course then she said that I "KNOW how much (my dad) hates (her)", how could I take his side, etc. I told her, "I don't want to see ANYONE go to jail." Well SHE apparently wants my dad in jail so she doesn't "have to be afraid anymore".
I approached her today about being her POA but she said, "NO! He'll convince you to kill me!"
Okay, so now she's positive that one way of another, my dad will kill her and I still have no legal authority in anything.
I'm just terrified now that they're going to believe her lies. What is the likelihood that something will come of this?! My dad has a bad heart. All the stress from this last week is taking a toll on him, and it needs to stop.
17 Answers
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Basically this: your mom sounds either mentally ill (beyond any age-related dementia), and-or is NPD (Google the symptoms, you'll know if it fits or not). Either way, she needs help beyond what you can give her. Speak to her doctors, tell them what she's doing, saying, be proactive about it. Both for her sake as well as you and your dads'.
I'm not one of those who's going to suggest you ignore her rantings and ravings, or feel sorry for her. I also don't believe there's any basis for her paranoia, or that anything outside of her own head is making her fearful.
This may also be an act, for attention. If so, if it were me, I'd call her bluff. She can't stand living with you "horrible people"? That can be changed.
Do what you can to get her evaluated or put on a 72 hour psych eval-hold. Don't let a crazy person, even the one who gave birth to you, run your life. You may need to walk away to save yourself. I know that may sound harsh, but being "ruled" by someone who's mentally ill and not being treated has a way of killing the caregiver's soul. Don't let that happen to you.
When I was 23, my great aunt and spiritual mentor who had raised my mother and two other siblings after my grandparents died, was like a grandmother to me. Her sister, my other great aunt, had cancer that metastases ised to her brain and experienced delirium, now cause dementia. The sick aunt and my mother have been estranged since my mother (who was now 27) had been 17 from a circumstance everyone agreed with the fault of the aunt. When I was just a two week old baby, my special aunt dropped by my mothers to see me and brought the disagreeable aunt. My never thought she had time to bury the hatchet so to speak, but noooooooo. She just sat in the car wouldn't speak and didn't look at me. I think my special aunt brought her disagreeable sister hoping for a reconciliation but do I need to tell you my mother was done forever?
Fast forward to 1968, my special but single great aunt with caregiving the other, even though the other had a husband who would not lift a finger. She was staying in their apartment 24/7 while the retired Mr flitted around doing his unimportant errands. My aunt asked for my help but under the circumstances felt I had to get permission for my mother to not violate her position. She wanted no part of it it said I could help if I wanted to. So for 6 months until my aunt died, I went over2 nights a week after work I went over to spell my aunt, and also all day Saturday and Sunday morning. I learned a lot about caretaking and people (ugh...the user husband, I even brought over a TV for the bedroom b/c he wouldn't allow the living room set to be moved even though he only watched a couple of hours a day!)
So, kitty, it is with consideration to my personal experience that I made the comment to Celly regarding age. are you intended those three sentences at the top to be taken together. I was not denigrating her age, it was more sympathy that she was being thrown into a heavy burden very early on. And not that she didn't have ANY life experience, and this is it true everyone, but many in that age group unless it had education professional experience haven't learned coping skills to deal with such massive shifts in personality as come on with old age. I hope Celly took it the way it was intended and not any other.
I I told my story to give you perspective ny believe what I said and that my only intention was to be sympathetic and now I can also add and I think what she is handling is huge and she's being very heroic.
And Celly please don't overlook the possibility of alcohol dementia. If it even could do that, it's one of the only dimensions that might be reversible. You never know please don't delay. Even my mothers sisters doctors said we might have reversed it if we had just gotten to it a couple of years earlier.
INSIST on a mtg with her doctors and your dad and yourself before you accept her release. If you must, get the case worker or hospital social worker involved now to review her care plan and follow up.
She needs help and you and your dad may not have the skill set to deal with her without a good plan.
Regarding the accusations and her fear, the doctors will listen and make an assessment, if they think her accusations have substance, they may get social worker involved or adult protective services to investigate further. They should talk to you and your dad and maybe other neighbors or family members to get all sides (it's different with children than adults).
She sounds young but we don't know all the history, drug interactions, alcohol or other that may be part of the family history here.
Seek the doctors help to find her a safe facility to recover vs coming back home to you and your dads care if you don't think she is well or stable enough. If I were you, I would state that you are not available to provide or oversee her care going forward.
IMO this situation likely won't get better over the long term and you are too young to get sucked in. Tell your parents you'll support them but won't be able to be their ultimate crutch or provide caregiving responsibilities.
Good luck dear and keep us all posted.
a. She needs antipsychotic medication
b. She has a urinary tract infection, which makes elderly people act insane.
Best wishes.
So now you are not only caring for your mother, but you are faced with fighting these false charges she is making against him. It might be in his best interest to leave the house if at all possible for a while just to see how your Mom reacts. She may get better or get worse and turn on you and now launch accusations against you.
Please read the statements that papadoc has written to you as well. Although you do love your father and he is a kind and gentle man, everyone gets tired and reaches there wits end and while it is entirely possible that your mother falls a lot on her own, you have to ask the "What if" question. By making arrangements for him to leave for a while you will be better able to determine at least in your own mind what is happening.
An acquaintance of mine is a very nice lady with a son and daughter and husband. The husband seems like a dream, he was a decent provider, went to church all the time and when he retired, he told her she no longer had to work either. When she needed to go to the grocery store, he went too, when she wanted to go to garage sales, he laid out the route to all of them and drove her. He was always at her side no matter what, he was pleasant and kind to her and others in public. When she confided in her friends and daughter that she wanted a divorce everyone was in utter shock! Why would she want to divorce such a wonderful man?
It turns out that this kind man was kind when others could see what was going on, even around his children. What he did in private was belittle her constantly, use the Bible against her as though he was her master and she was to obey him. He told her to quit her job when he retired because he wanted to make sure he was in charge of what she did every single day and he even accused her of affairs at work even though she worked with no men. When she tired to tell her children what was happening neither would believe her, they thought their father walked on water! They also told her that if she chose to leave their Godly father they would have nothing further to do with her, she would be considered dead to them.
She stayed and I wondered why, did she not have money to live on? No, the bulk of their money had actually come from an inheritance of HERS. She could not stand the thought of losing her children and friends from church, so she is still there being belittled and beaten down more and more each day. She is not allowed to leave the house alone and no one is allowed to visit without his permission and he must be in attendance. He too is a very kind person on the outside.
I have told you this not to say this is your father, but just to give you insight as to what happened to another person who was married to the perfect man, it isn't always what it seems behind closed doors in all cases.
If your father has been faced with this behavior for a long time, then he really deserves some rest and recuperation time anyway. Let him go on a vacation to someplace he loves or to visit other family for a while. He needs some down time and will be able to come back with a renewed spirit.
You do not mention that your Mom has a mental illness but something does seem to be going on there to use Morphine and then you said she drinks, neither of which makes for a clear sound mind,
Did your parents ever have a Trust written up? Within the Trust there is normally provisions for POA, which is usually the spouse. If your Mom won't give you her POA at this moment, if your Dad leaves for a while, you may be able to get her to calm down and agree to the POA. You want to tell her it is for use in the future, IF AND ONLY IF IT IS NEEDED OR SHE BECOMES ILL. Do not tell her you need it now because she is crazy. That is a sure fire way to NEVER get her to agree to it. Also, never call her crazy, she has medical and possibly mental issues which is a medical problem.
I am sure from reading this site, you must already know that when a person becomes mentally incompetent or declared as having Alzherimer's it is basically too late to get them to sign over their POA to you. An attorney will want to speak to your mother alone before doing this as he has to make sure it is not being done under duress and he has to know she is mentally stable and able to make this decision for herself.
If she is not mentally able to do it, then you will have to seek to become her guardian which will require an attorney, it is long,drawn out, and expensive.
As a final note, may I suggest that you and your father go to see a therapist....not because you are crazy but because they can help you in so many ways. They are a great place to vent your frustrations to an outside third party, they have insight and solutions that we do not always see, and lastly they can document what is happening with your mother as you discuss what has gone on during the week and you may need to ask them to make sure they do document it. This could prove to be invaluable to you in the future, should charges ever be filed against you or your father. I treasure my time with my therapist as it is an hour out of the house and I am conversing with an intelligent person who helps to guide me through this maze. There are senior agencies that offer free counseling so if cost is an issue you don't have to worry.
If your Mom is able and willing you might want to have her see a therapist as well, it may help with her issues.
I have been where you are and I hope God Blesses you on this journey.
I went first to read your profile. You are 28 - very young to be doing with the caregiving. And probably without a lot of life experience yet. Makes understanding psychological and psychiatric behavior a little more difficult. You've also stated you're dirt poor and that your mom is 63. That means unless she's disabled she's not on Medicare. What is her insurance, private or HMO? Is your dad 65 or more and on Medicare yet?
In your posting, you said you seen your mom hit your dad in the face when drunk and your dad never lifted a hand to her afterward. Who I was drunk, mom? I sense a bit of paranoia in her concern over being killed. She sounds like she's in the early stages or even moderate of dementia. It may not be Alzheimers. If she has been a drinker, there is a form of dementia called Werneke-Korsakoff syndrome. It's primarily from a vitamin B-1 (thiamine) deficiency and can be reversible in the early stages. Left untreated, enough brain damage can occur as to leave the individual with dementia even if the missing nutrient is replaced and the person stops drinking. You MUST get her to the doctor immediately for an evaluation.
The problem with elder abuse is that many people are considered "mandated reporters" and they are charged with the responsibility of passing on any claims of abuse even if its just a suspicion. Normally it's usually better to fly under the radar of official bureaucracy when you can. But in your case, as you say the police have already been involved, although you don't explain why or how, you might consider going down yourself to the police station and talking to a detective about what's happened in the past and what you know to be true and see if they would document this for you and may even come and do what's called a well check, and maybe do that before the doctor evaluation.
Will your mom cooperate with going to the doctor? One of the things you off and have to do with dementia people or paranoid people is fib to them a little bit to get them to do something did they need to do for their own good like going to see the doctor. For example, you could tell her you need her to go to help you with something. Then absolutely do not tell her and when she's actually in the exam room, without addressing her, begin telling the doctor your concerns. If she flips out, the doctor should know the signs. If the Dr doesn't respond adequately, you just need to stand your ground, don't let the Dr be bullied by your mom, and insist on getting some answers.
I'm sure there will be many other ideas and suggestions but for me, I can't go any further until you make a move and let us know what's going on. You will get a lot of support here to help you through your crisis.
It is entirely possible that you could have a problem. While people do fall, they also get shoved and knocked down. It can be hard to tell the difference.
How the medical staff looks at this will be dependent on all of your other medical issues. As a matter of course, they are required to report suspected abuse to authorities who will investigate. They will probably interview all of you, possibly neighbors or others who might know.
What happens from that point on is dependent upon what they find.