I am taking care of my mamita ,she is 89"years young,she has more children,Une take of ,her bisneses the others,do not care.I am taken care of her because I love her is only love ,no money, because my sibilisn,take all the money.I left my profession ,licency asthetic,and ,nurcing ass.R. I do speak good two languages ,enghish and espanish.Not very well but I write Italian and French.......I also do not computer . My manita is sick,pain,Tylenol 3 ,3 times a day .Stone in the gall bladder and osteoporosis,and diverculitis.I am beside her all the time ,a do not get out,I have 2 beautiful children they are ,all ready finish university. My husband good young mam.I do not what should ,I do,my Mather ungry ,because she said,I am a bad doughter. Tell me anything it will helping me a lot.if I cousin any trouble ,forgiven me please.Iam desperate ,and I do not what to do. Kisses. And hugssssss. Berica.24 .
13 Answers
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Nunca te olvide que Dios te ama.
Ok. Is your mother in your home or in her own home? Are you in the United States?
(tiene enojado) Claro. A lo mejor, su made tiene dolor y hacer enojado. Es la pensamiento. Perseverance--help me out here.
Your Mother is hungry-- tiene hambre? What food are you giving her? Que comida? Mas information, por favor. Hugs ( en abrazo, chica) Besos xo
Soy Christina, la gringa, no Hispanic