Spouses need a place to vent too. Spouses that are aging taking care of aging ill husbands and wives need to feel welcome on Agingcare.com There is a whole community of us that feel unwelcome on Agingcare.com. We are getting the most stress due to the fact it is so hard on older spouses immune system.
We need to vent and help too. What are we chopped liver? Does not seem correct to me.
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I found another way to follow when using the Kindle. Comment. Once you comment, sometimes it will pop up on your NEWS FEED (located on the top right box ACCOUNT) If you click NEWS FEED, it will show you the Last comment posted on what you're following.
I just did that, and read Bellas post with my name on the front line. So, I clicked here to see what's up. =)
To "Follow" Bellas, just click on her name to get to her profile. When you do, hit the "Follow" button.
I haven't got around to posting about marriage/romantic problems,but I probably will sooner or later. I'll try to figure out how to "Follow" you, and mention you to some other spouses who post here.
Good luck!
The title of this site CLEARLY says it is for persons caring for their elderly parents. It is silly to criticize them for not having forums on caring for spouses or converting European recipes to American measurements or anything else not related to the purpose the site was created.
Many of us caring for someone other than our parents do find the site useful. But to be angry that the site does not cater specifically to us is pretty funny.
As I read about your comment with the counselor and chopped liver, it does make sense now about this displaying as anger with the situation. I'm so glad that your spouse shines his"light" on you daily. {{HUGS}}
Why do you feel you’re unwelcome? Because there’s not enough topics about caregiving your spouse? Have you even checked the search engine on the top right and searched the words “Caregiving spouse”? There are 2286 answers to this topic. If you scroll to the bottom you have the option of searching specifically: Caring Spouse, Spouse Alzheimer’s, Surviving Spouse, Husband Caregiving, Spouse Association, Spouse Partner.
Like BoniChak recommended – make your own thread for caregivers. However, there was one started around January of this year. Unfortunately, those caregiving spouse did not support that thread and it ended in February.
Here is a link where they Tried to do a thread for you spouses. Maybe you can help continue it to grow by posting there. And perhaps you can also inform the other spouses on this site of this link.