1. she has a lot of help but complains about not being independent cause she doesn't see well due to serious eye condition
2. upset about husband's health deterioration and 24-hour care
3. feels like world is on her shoulders (I handle all the financial household respons)
4. used to wealthy life, parties and travel/it has all stopped
16 Answers
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If you ever watched the movie "Ordinary People" there is a perfect description of depression in there - it is a big dark hole that keeps getting bigger and deeper until finally you ARE the hole. You don't feel worthy of help or happiness and it takes a small mircale to start turning things around. Nothing is enjoyable. Effort seems futile even if you coudl find the energy to make an effort. Organizing and planning are out of the question. Sometimes a little medication is that small miracle, sometimes it is physical activity, a renewed purpose in life, a puppy or a kitten, or some sunshine and vitamin D.
Original poster's mom has has a LOT of losses, and it is harder but not impossible to find low vision/blind rehab and technology to help older adults so that should be a consideration as well. See if Lion's World has anything and there is a home study program. I can't find it right of the bat, but there may be more via www.afb.org/directory/profile/vision-rehabilitation-services/12
Services for Seniors
VRS provides clients with a comprehensive Low Vision Evaluation that is conducted by a Low Vision Specialist, an optometrist who is trained in the field of low vision. After a thorough review of the client's medical and vision histories, the Low Vision Specialist conducts an evaluation of the functionality of the client's vision. Devices such as magnifiers, bioptic spectacles, high powered reading glasses, telescopic lenses, glare control tinted glasses and technology equipment may be recommended. The optometrist then determines the need for other services in addition to training the client on the use of the device(s). Rehabilitation training, Orientation and Mobility, and Access Technology and computer training may be included. Certified instructors work with the clients based on an individualized plan.
Vitamin D - (should use D3, l take 8000 I.U. daily)
Omega-3s - (better from Krill Oil instead Fish Oil, works the same, usually no fishy taste, burpless and SOURCE is Sustainably Harvested)
Coconut Oil - (1 tsp 3 x per day)
Check out SAMe, very powerful natural aid for depression, among many other health concerns.
I get most of my nutritional supplements online from Swanson Vitamins.
People's opinions vary widely on the use of antidepressants. Some have had bad experiences with them, etc. I myself have been on antidepressants for 19 years; they get switched from time to time as they tend to "plateau" on me and stop helping. But without them I sink into major depression and that is horrid. Keep an open mind about them. The elderly generally respond VERY WELL to them; it's children, adolescents & 20-30 yr olds that have the highest rate of bad experiences.
Fish oil helps too! There was a clinical trial on U.S. vets of Afghanistan/Iraq, etc., and it found that taking fish oil helped lighten the depression and PTSD of over 70% of them. I have found that when we run out of it and I don't take it for a week I start declining in my mood. Getting it back in my system brings about a noticeable change.
Of course, none of these things work instantly; they take a bit of time...but my dad, after taking his 25 mg of Zoloft, changed markedly after a week.
Many good wishes to you, happiness & success
I used to play a game I made up with my mom after Dad passed away. It was called the Gratitude Game. Every day we would each say 5 things we were grateful for that day. In the beginning it was hard for mom because she felt she had lost so much but as we played it she began to see all the blessings she really had.