My mom is 81 yrs old and has no short term memory. I will tell her how to do something and 5 minutes later she forgets. She manages her own meds and is able to stick to a routine and has a good mind, slometimes I think it's better than mine. lol..
I see a therapist because of her personality disorder and her abuse but he thinks she has dementia based on what I've shared with him. Does abusive behavior and poor memory indicate dementia?
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You mentioned your Mom manages her own meds. What type of meds does she take? How long has she taken each of them? In many cases, certain medications can cause side effects that mimic dementia; or there can be conflicts between meds that cause such symptoms, including confusion and short term memory loss. You might check with her doctor on this also!
I finally got her in to see a GP who asked her some simple questions, such as: "Who is president of the United States?" She did not remember, nor did she know what day of the week it was. He asked her to draw the face of a clock. The drawing was confused, numbers in the wrong places. He said she was definitely suffering from some form of cognitive impairment, and wanted to have her admitted for evaluation. She refused. It took two years to get her into the hospital for testing and diagnosis.
So if your Mom seems to be forgetting basic things; if she starts repeating herself; if she's hording stuff; dressing in unusual outfits; seems depressed and withdrawn; calls you numerous times throughout the day, and doesn't recall that she'd already phoned you -- fight tooth and nail to get her to a doctor who can properly diagnose her. Many hospitals have great dementia programs staffed by doctors who specialize in cognitive decline.
Listen to your gut!!!!! If your Mom's actions establish a pattern of behavior that you feel is related to memory loss, find a way to get her the help she needs. The earlier the diagnosis, the better.
Once you have read enough or been exposed enough, you can almost diagnosis the dementia yourself, just buy the behavior, but you can't diagnose the cause.
Some forms have medical causes that can be corrected, so when you see the signs, it's really important to get the person into the doctor in case the memory loss or confusion can be reversed.
Waiting to figure it out could be a ticking time bomb for her, where what happened would not be able to be reversed if it goes on too long.
Have your mom seen by a geriatric dr. Or neurologist. Good luck.
I have a feeling the people who are around a person with dementia know it long before anyone else. We know how the person acted before dementia, and we see the confusion, loss of ability to think logically and perform tasks, and the frequent lapses of memory. I have a feeling that if we think our loved one has dementia, they probably do. Being around the person is pretty much the same as giving them a super long test.
Abusive behavior can be part of dementia, but I have a feeling that if your mother has a personality disorder, the abuse may have been present earlier in her life. What type of personality disorder does she have?
If she has always been a "challenge," her abusive behavior may not mean anything, but if it's a new pattern, it could be a sign that all is not well in the brain. If she can tell that her memory is getting worse, she can be afraid. She might be lashing out from fear. The part of her brain that kept her from saying mean things may no longer work.
There are a number of different kinds of dementia, and a doctor can tell the difference by behavior, or by which symptom shows up first. Start keeping a list or log book of her behavior, and send the doctor a copy before her next appointment. Also, tell us more about what's going on. We've heard - and experienced everything. Good luck!