My husband has been sleeping all day and has dementia and diabetes. Any advice? husband has been sleeping all day, 3:00 now. Does anyone know if I should let him sleep or should I wake him upfor lunch? He does not take insulin at noon.
If your husband is still sleeping too much and sugar is high do you think he has any sort of infection possibly urine? infects can raise blood sugar dramatically and make diabetics drowsy
Can you get a cleaning lady instead of a caregiver? Here they are all Brazilian, and sweet as pie. Also look for one who is a bit older - 35 instead of 23.
Not everyone would be willing to help with the bath, but I bet you could find one if you put up a note. Maybe someone who cared for a parent who has died would be willing to be hired for the bath only.
What is the agency supplying these bimbos? Have you put on your ovaries of steel when explaining to the scheduler EXACTLY what you want? It's hard to stop being a nice sweet lady.
Are these people private pay or do you pay them? If you are paying, then you REALLY have a right to get the services you need.
If it's difficult for you to organize this, is there a friend who wouldn't change a diaper for a million dollars, but who loves kicking butt to get results? Have you looked for support from the local Area Agency on Aging? Is there perhaps someone in your church who would support you in getting help? People who won't sign up to help for the long term might pitch in for one project.
On antidepressants - I don't know why you can't take them, but I had one idea. The old ones were unpopular because they caused constipation. Maybe taking a small dose of amitriptyline would kill two birds with one stone? Just a thought, and of course you and your doctor know best.
I know how hard it is to do ANYTHING when you are depressed. If you want a depression buddy to encourage you, I'm available.
i am so sorry that you are having such a hard time, but believe it or not we have all been there. i would talk to the agency and find out what the caregivers jobs are while they are in your home. If they don't meet your needs get a new one.
Psteigman. I didnt think it was an insulin reaction because it has always waken him up. The sleep thing is new. jinx. I dont have help right now. I have been getting respite care but am having trouble. The people ive had are totally interested in taking care of my husband and dont think they should do housework. My husband is very easygoing and I only need bath help for him. Im the one who needs help. I am stuck at home with no car. Im sick and extremely depressed and have had uncontrollable diarrhea since having surgery 2 years ago. Im exhausted and the depression has made me lose interest in just everything. I cant keep the house up at all. The information I was given by the agency said part of the duties of the caregivers is "ordinary housework and laundry". I asked the caregiver to vacuum and dust and she took offense and quit. Since when is vacuuming and dusting not ordinary housework. She would just bathe my husband and spend the rest of the 2 hours texting. Ive gone through 3 caregivers with the same problem. Imso discouraged. I cant take antidepressants so I dont know what to do....mythyme
He does do this sleeping thing occasionally but never this long. He is in the chair beside me so I know hes breathing. He hasvascular dementia and is not difficult. thanks for your help.
Is this the first time he's done something like this? It's hard to say what to do, since we don't know much about him. Not knowing anything about his history but what you've written here, I'd gently try to wake him up to make sure he's OK (if this amount of sleeping is unusual for him). Let him go back to sleep if he doesn't want to get up. If he sleeps too long, will he be up all night? If that's the case, I'd definitely try to wake him up.
And keep an eye on him when he does wake up, whenever that is, to see if he seems normal. If he's acting differently, I'd call his doctor to rule out a stroke or something along those lines.
That is a good question to ask his doctor. In general, it is best for people with diabetes to eat on a regular schedule, and not to skip meals. But dementia is not "in general." Does he sleep through mealtimes often?
12 Answers
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Not everyone would be willing to help with the bath, but I bet you could find one if you put up a note. Maybe someone who cared for a parent who has died would be willing to be hired for the bath only.
What is the agency supplying these bimbos? Have you put on your ovaries of steel when explaining to the scheduler EXACTLY what you want? It's hard to stop being a nice sweet lady.
Are these people private pay or do you pay them? If you are paying, then you REALLY have a right to get the services you need.
If it's difficult for you to organize this, is there a friend who wouldn't change a diaper for a million dollars, but who loves kicking butt to get results? Have you looked for support from the local Area Agency on Aging? Is there perhaps someone in your church who would support you in getting help? People who won't sign up to help for the long term might pitch in for one project.
On antidepressants - I don't know why you can't take them, but I had one idea. The old ones were unpopular because they caused constipation. Maybe taking a small dose of amitriptyline would kill two birds with one stone? Just a thought, and of course you and your doctor know best.
I know how hard it is to do ANYTHING when you are depressed. If you want a depression buddy to encourage you, I'm available.
jinx. I dont have help right now. I have been getting respite care but am having
trouble. The people ive had are totally interested in taking care of my husband and dont think they should do housework. My husband is very easygoing and I only need bath help for him. Im the one who needs help. I am stuck at home with no car. Im sick and extremely depressed and have had uncontrollable diarrhea since having surgery 2 years ago. Im exhausted and the depression has made me lose interest in just everything. I cant keep the house up at all. The information I was given by the agency said part of the duties of the caregivers is "ordinary housework and laundry". I asked the caregiver to vacuum and dust and she took offense and quit. Since when is vacuuming and dusting not ordinary housework.
She would just bathe my husband and spend the rest of the 2 hours texting. Ive gone through 3 caregivers with the same problem. Imso discouraged. I cant take antidepressants so I dont know what to do....mythyme
thanks for your help.
And keep an eye on him when he does wake up, whenever that is, to see if he seems normal. If he's acting differently, I'd call his doctor to rule out a stroke or something along those lines.