What is the life span average of 81 yr old male with Alzheimer's (has had Alzheimer's 4 yrs)?
average life span of 81 yr old male who has had alzheimers for four years. This is to figure out how to plan for payment of care. If a person sort of knew then the family could do some planning.
Zero.. He is past his life span. Ask his MD for a prognosis. Determining factors include any other health problems-- heart/kidney/lungs/etc and what stage he is in. If he declined slowly for four years to stage 4, he might decline slowly another three to stage 7. But if he has enlarged heart or A-fib or a history of stroke, those things could get him first. Bear in mind when planning that the cost of care goes up significantly when he becomes hallucinogenic or bedridden. Like double or triple.
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