My uncle in the Chicago was declared with Alzheimer's, to the point where the family ask the court system stepped in. He is worth 15+ MILLION. The court appointed bank has spent most of his cash assets ($2,250,000.00) in 19 months. This was mainly used there legal and admin. cost. On the 12th. they are tried to get a judges O. K. to sell all his properties in the Chicago area to pay for his care. They wanted to sell 15-20 million dollars worth for 6.7M XX Bank and the guardian who was hired by the family has barred family members and all friends from visiting him at nursing Home in Glenview, for the last 19 months. He is "earning" this money while his patient is in a locked down unit. He has gone to court to stop his family from having any contact with him. No one has the money to fight this bank. This same scenario is playing out over and over in the Chicago area. The very people who are hired and or appointed to watch out for the elderly, are worse tan the original thief's. My uncle lives in the Glenview area all his life. Owner of a major concrete business on Teckney Road in Northbrook for over 50 years. My uncle has done so much over his lifetime to help others. now he needs help. you will be very interested is some of the judges rulings she made on the 12th. I will give you the names of the bank who has spent 2.2 millions in 19 months and the name of the gardian. We picked up 10 pounds of paper work yesterday from the bank, the one lawyer who seen it state it is criminal what they done so far. We are looking for a lawyer who will take there fees at the end, his son Gary spent all his savings and 301K just to get his father help for the bad actors and then this week to go before a judge to see and have the right to phone his father. Michael
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This does sound like a tragic situation. Guess there's some good in not being in the 1% range.
Mike, I'm still not clear what you're asking of us... advice? Or is it a warning?