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Ritz58 Asked June 2014

How can I get Medicaid to help my Mom with disposable diapers?

She lives in Patillas, Puerto Rico, she lives alone, she doesn't drive, and she has an income of $150.00 a month from social security.

RedRooster252 Jun 2014
Yes terryjack1 that's a good point regarding Medicaid. Depending on the state and the pharmacy. Most locally owned independant pharmacies take Medicaid coverage and handle incontinenet supplies. Going to a local vendor allows you to have the contact with the same person who can help in deciding which is best supplies for your loved one. You don't have to order your whole shipment at one time, so it givs you an opportunity to try what works. Also, the tax dollars spent on the medical supplies stays in the state in which you live in and not in a company that is in a far off state that relies on postal service to deliver and most times charge shipping costs.

terryjack1 Jun 2014
IF your mother has Medicaid, it is a state plan and typically it covers incontinent supplies. You will need a prescription from her physician to take to the pharmacy. Check with the pharmacy first to see if they will accept the Medicaid payment for the supplies. There are also mail order companies that provide supplies through Medicaid, you can find a list by typing in the info on an internet search.


RedRooster252 Jun 2014
Just want to confirm that your mother is on Medicaid and not Medicare correct? Ask her primary care phyician to write an order for incontinent supplies, it will be coded for her diagnosis. The office will either fax or you can take it to your local pharmacy that deals with durable medical supplies along with her Medicaid card. Mail order is an option but dealing with a local vendor helps with items that would work for your mother. Our local pharmacies also deliver at no cost to a senior citizens so it is worth pursuing that avenue, especially when it comes to items that could be exchanged.

SheliaJ Jun 2014
No I am not advertising nothing, I answered and found a link for ritz58 who was looking for help to have medicade pay for adult diapers... I don't know what happened to the link though and I never even heard of and didn't know what you were talking about "hdis" till I went back and saw in the post. I only did a search and these were govt. agencies that assist with adult daily needs but thank you two cal... the link If you notice it says hdis Medicaid... they help Medicaid recipients, Medicaid Specialists. Life can be better…just give us a call. There are other links to orgs. for help if you search but I know some people don't have a lot of time on there hands so I just put those up for ritz58 or any one else looking for a little help... have a most wonderful day!... P.S. I don't know if the org. can even help her where she lives but it wouldn't hurt her to at least call to find out...

igloo572 Jun 2014
Shelia - so you are advertising for a business (HDIS) in your post, aren't you? You should be paying for advertising space on this site - like so many many other companies do & pay for - if this is the case.

igloo572 Jun 2014
Look into if they can qualify also for hospice. Hospice is a MediCARE benefit. It seems that IF they are also bedfast, then hospice can get adult diapers, wipes, gloves, the disposable sheet protectors and even shelf-stable drinks that have high % of prebiotics in them, and all billable under Medicare hospice benefit. My mom gets all this through her hospice provider.

Oh also the drink is TWO CAL HN with Fos (Abbot Labs). 8 oz can. The FOS are all prebiotics good for colon health. Has 19 g protein, 21 g fat & 51 g carbs.
Is an institutional product so the hospice will have to order it. You can't likely go down to Walgreens or Costco to just buy it either.

chloesgrams2012 Jun 2014
I don't know, but I am guessing each state is different, but Mom has finally been accepted into a home health program and a nurse and case worker came to assess her the other day and she told me that there is a program through Medicaid that pays for depends or whatever brand when they are incontinent. I don't know if this is done through their program or the DHHR with the medicaid. Check around, I know those things get expensive and $150.00 a month isn't much to cover them on, if she is anything like my Mom. Best of Luck!


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