My father is 90 and receives a social security check . He has currently been in a nursing home for six months and now they say he can go home. he currently owes the nursing home 30,000. dollars. he applied for medicaid however it has taken 6 months for it to go through and it still has not gone through, he has 8000 dollars in a burial fund and recieves 12,00. a month from social security. Should he not get the medicaid , pay the nuring home the 8000.00 keep his socisl security check and make payments on his bill using his social security check or keep trying to get medcaid, knowing that his will have to sell his house after his passes to pay back medcaid? Help please!!! His onlyhas a house and a car no other assets.
3 Answers
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Do you know if there is a problem with the Medicaid application, or is this just a routine delay because of a backlog.
If he receives Medicaid and is living in the community, he is expected to use his SS check or any other income for his own needs, such as food, taxes, household upkeep, transportation, etc. Medicaid would cover such things as in-home care, incontinence supplies,etc. If the amount of his income is over the limit set by the state he may still qualify but have a "spend down" amount each month (like a deductible.) This varies by state. Research it for your state.
If he goes on Medicaid, the state will have first crack at the proceeds of selling the house when he dies. If he doesn't go on Medicaid and dies owing a considerable debt, I'm really not sure if his creditor (the NH) would have any claim on his house. That would be worth finding out.
Can your father really get along without the Medicaid assistance? What if he is fine at home for a year and then needs to be in a nursing home again?