My mother at 72 is now , an has always been an evil person. I am shocked that no one has come up with a way to press charges to indict people like my mother.
She tells me " you can't prove anything that goes on here" how's that for being bold.
She goes to the doc every week for something; bug bite cuz she had diabetes, foot doc, heart doc, vacations in the ER having them run tests only for nothing to be wrong with her .
She is a greedy, selfish. , jealous , vile , backstabbing
Loser who is not an alcoholic or drug addict.
My Dad said his hand was forced to marry her.
She told me that she the docs said she couldn't have kids and was surprised when I came along.
She meddles in my life and starts arguments with me every morning before I go to work while my 54 yr old brother sleeps til noon at which time he rises to look at porn on the internet for the rest of the day while eating my food. My brother is creepy and I am not even kidding. He eats feces and spreads it in the shower . I've gotten sick I believe from his sick brhavi or. I am 54 and was married going to grad school til my mother told my husband I was schizophrenic then boom he divorced me quick .i was married 30 yrs. my mother had my younger brother committed to an as a schizophrenic were he spent 10 yrs of his life. Now at 39 he fears her.
Both my brothers have no kids.
My oldest daughter graduated from med school so mother told the whole family not to come to the graduation. Why!
There are too many events that she has had a hand in that I think are just cruel and malicious.
A woman in the street came up to me and told me that my mother is a trouble maker
My mother tries to go find this woman to probably tell her that I am crazy I bet.
When I was in hospital when I was married my mother kept my husband away from me .
So many things
She's not ill she's perfectly healthy
She finds people who are dying of cancer and befriends them for done reason.
My mother did not ever go to primary school, high school or college but she tells people she's a mental health doctor and gives her opinion out as medical advice . That had to be illegal.
Anyway, I will not take care of her in her declining years because she has stolen me and my brothers inheritance so I'm sure she's planned for it .
I need advice on how to get the authority to jail her,
I am shocked at how she lies and gets away with it.
She's not narcissistic or suffers from personality disorder or any of that because she is aware of those conditions and doesn't mind telling me casually that " I I'm coming down with ( name a mental illness ) "
and laughs
Anyway I know I sound mean but I am telling the truth and she is so sure and certain that no one will believe me when I tell all about her
I was told to start telling so here I begin
Somebody HELP !
12 Answers
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First Oldest
Pam gave you great advice.
1) Move out!
2) Get therapy that includes counselling and
3) also includes medications.
You had no control over your childhood. You do have control now. Use it.
I guess I need to know
How do I care for and evil woman?
Should I even care for an evil woman?
I ask because I wonder if doing the right thing even matters.
And BTW, the term "faggott" is a politically and culturally offensive term. You're not doing yourself any favors by using such an offensive term as well as the other vulgar characterizations used in your post.
If your intention is to "jail" your mother, talk to law enforcement. I think they'll assess your situation quickly and accurately.
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