If you have a cell phone plan, ask if they provide that service. Verizon does, I don't know about the others. Stick with a major provider, they have better surveillance operations, more operators on standby.
I think we would want to have the service call my nephew or stepbrother. I am in Florida so, I was wondering if you knew of anything in the Columbus area. My grandmother had something like this in Florida and it was part of a Senior group she was a member of. It was 15.99 per month. The one I was quoted on the phone for was 34.99. So I recall there are different companies. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks, Karen
There are lots of options for medical alerts. The first question is whether or not he is willing to push the button. Let's say he will. The next question is who will they call? You? 911? Emergency services will respond, but if they are called frequently, it could get very expensive, because in the case of a fall, the patient is often sent to the ER for evaluation and you get billed for the ambulance and hospital. Talk it over with him. If he doesn't want one, don't waste your money.
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