At his age he deserves to have his way, as long as it is not hurtful to himself or another. If it is, he needs a 'chemical restraint' prescription from his doctor. If not just humor him. He needs 'something to hold on to speaking in a psychological way. If it's really insulting or bothering you, find something to distract like a TV program or another health issue. If nothing works perhaps he would want to talk to the doctor about it.
My loved one had several obsessions. She was obsessed with her cat and thought the cat could craw into crevices the size of a peanut. No reasoning worked. She also would obsess that someone was angry with her. HOWEVER, after she went on Cymbalta, the obessions seemed to fade away. It's rare that she has them anymore when I'm around her. She's much more content and doesn't seem to focus on any one thing that bothers her. She does still say she's sad about her parents dying, but that's the only thing she repeatedly dwells on.
My mother actually had this exact same issue -- she was convinced that the carriage lights on the garage of a neighbor down the street were actually car lights of someone parking on her street and watching her house, trying to see in her windows. I closed the blinds and said, "There! Now nobody can see in!" Because she couldn't see the lights any more, she was satisfied with that.
There have been other obsessions since -- they come and go. Just roll with them as best you can... it doesn't do anyone any good to disagree or correct. Best wishes and warm hugs...
To deal with obsessions it helps to know that Hallucinations and delusions are symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementia s. With hallucinations or delusions, people do not experience things as they really are.
Obsession are tough and often impossible to deal with. Conversing with a LO who has Alzheimers is often like talking with your cat. Acknowledge, respond, be affectionate, develop boundless patience. Forget about rational responses. Show respect, your therapeutic fictional responses are allowed. ~DLMifm
"Jolene Brackery" "Distract rather than react | Short Simple Responses | Listen" "Take a BREAK often | You get to start over"
{quote} Alzheimer Society of Canada
Delusions are false beliefs. Even if you give evidence about something to the person with dementia, she will not change her belief. For example, a person with dementia may have a delusion in which she believes someone else is living in her house when she actually lives alone. Delusions can also be experienced in the form of paranoid beliefs, or accusing others for things that have not happened. For example, the person with dementia may misplace an item and blame others for stealing it. Some people with dementia may have the delusion that others are "out to get them."; For example, he may believe that his food is being poisoned.
Hallucinations are incorrect perceptions of objects or events involving the senses. They seem real to the person experiencing them but cannot be verified by anyone else. Hallucinations are a false perception that can result in either positive or negative experiences. Hallucinations experienced by people with dementia can involve any of the senses, but are most often either visual (seeing something that isn't really there) or auditory (hearing noises or voices that do not actually exist). For example, a visual hallucination could be seeing bugs crawling over the bed that aren't actually there. Of course, people also make "visual mistakes," mistaking a housecoat hanging up for a person, for example, because they can't see the object clearly. This can happen to anyone, and is not considered a hallucination. {end quote}
My Mom went through this with various obsessions, some lasted a long time, some short. I learned quickly to try to go with it. Keeping the patient calm and not trying to reason with him is important.
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If not just humor him. He needs 'something to hold on to speaking in a psychological way. If it's really insulting or bothering you, find something to distract like a TV program or another health issue. If nothing works perhaps he would want to talk to the doctor about it.
There have been other obsessions since -- they come and go. Just roll with them as best you can... it doesn't do anyone any good to disagree or correct. Best wishes and warm hugs...
Obsession are tough and often impossible to deal with. Conversing with a LO who has Alzheimers is often like talking with your cat. Acknowledge, respond, be affectionate, develop boundless patience. Forget about rational responses. Show respect, your therapeutic fictional responses are allowed. ~DLMifm
"Jolene Brackery"
"Distract rather than react | Short Simple Responses | Listen"
"Take a BREAK often | You get to start over"
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Delusions are false beliefs. Even if you give evidence about something to the person with dementia, she will not change her belief. For example, a person with dementia may have a delusion in which she believes someone else is living in her house when she actually lives alone. Delusions can also be experienced in the form of paranoid
beliefs, or accusing others for things that have not happened. For example, the person with dementia may misplace an item and blame others for stealing it. Some people with dementia may have the delusion that others are "out to get them."; For example, he may believe that his food is being poisoned.
Hallucinations are incorrect perceptions of objects or events involving the senses. They seem real to the person experiencing them but cannot be verified by anyone else. Hallucinations are a false perception that can result in either positive or negative experiences. Hallucinations experienced by people with dementia can involve any of the senses, but are most often either visual (seeing something that isn't really there) or auditory (hearing noises or voices that do not actually exist). For example, a visual hallucination could be seeing bugs crawling over the bed that aren't actually there. Of course, people also make "visual mistakes," mistaking a housecoat hanging
up for a person, for example, because they can't see the object clearly. This can happen to anyone, and is not considered a hallucination.
{end quote}