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JArnold Asked January 2015

Where can I go in the Cartersville area to take classes about caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's/Dementia?

I have been in childcare for 32 years and have taken college classes in early childhood care and education. I am now caring for my mother-in-law and would like to take a class or two about her condition and what I can do to care for her.

surprise Jan 2015
There's a Coursera class (free!!) from Johns Hopkins on Dementia care that stats the week of Jan 12 15. My son and I took one of these MOOC classes (massive open online class) last fall and it was very good. They seem to have a very useful way of presenting info, nothing is required, no cost, and you get out what you put in. I was considering taking the dementia class this term, so I'm glad you brought this up. I'm off to register (provide my email!).

xxxxxxxx Jan 2015
Go to and get lots of hopefully helpful info.
I actually found a flyer online from 2 June 2009 where there was a one day workshop called "Dementia Care Training for Family Caregivers" held at the Cartersville Medical Center presented by a grant from the GA Legislature and the Division of Aging Services. You might call 1-800-272-3900 to see if they have plans for one in 2015.

There are 2 support groups I found in your area. One is at the abovementioned Cartersville Medical Center on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10 am. Call Mitzi Oates at 770-382-8989 for info.

Another is at Barrow Regional Med. Center in Winder. It's on the 4th Tues at noon (lunch and care for your loved one provided). Call 706-549-4850, the Athens Community Council on Aging.

There are many books written that might help, I know we read "the 36 Hour Day". Plus I like the idea of contacting Memory Care Facilities to see if they have any handouts. I'm like you, I like to learn as much as I can to hopefully be prepared. BUT I have learned that every person is different and what works for one may not work for another. Hugs.


Sunnygirl1 Jan 2015
It's great you are so motivated to learn about dementia in order to help your mom. I might check with a Memory Care facility. In my state, their employees have to have a certain number of hours in memory care training. They may be able to give you some referral. And the idea of the Community College is good too.

I recall that one Memory Care facility that I toured, sent me a very informative package with many referrals and brochures with information.

notrydoyoda Jan 2015
There are many articles on this site that you can access using the search site box in the upper right hand corner. However, this site does not contain the kind of specific information that you are looking for for your area or any area. I would suggest contacting you community college or nearby university.


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