I have been her sole unpaid caregiver so she gave me the money to buy it. I have been the sole caregiver to a mother with a severe personality disorder and dementia. She had started to become dangerous behind the wheel a few years ago and because of this, decided to have our old car put into my name because she believed that if she got into an accident that no one could sue her if the car was in my name. A year later after I tried very hard to keep the car on the road, it broke down again. My mother by then had gotten worse so she had to go first to a rehab and then into an ALF so she certainly wasn't driving
She decided she didn't want to pay for car repairs and told me to call her accountant and to just go out and buy a new car. She took zero interest in the car and if I thought for a moment that I was in fact supposed to be helping her buy a car for herself, I would have taken her, had her pick the car, plus it would have been put in her name. I would NEVER had purchased the car alone, put it in my name only, driven it everywhere if it was to be her car. In fact, I would have kept the old car for myself while she got a new one. Plus, I moved temporarily out of state and of course believing the car to be mine, I took the car out of state. She never said a word about the car until about a month ago. Now, she claims that the car is hers and she wants it back. Well, the car is only in my name, I now live in a different state (although I still take care of all her bills, affairs, ect while she is in the ALF), and I am sick as I have been just diagnosed with cancer. Legally can she take my car even though she told me to buy it and it's only registered to me?
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