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pamrs1 Asked February 2015

Do I have my Mom in the wrong kind of NH if she no longer knows how to take herself?

I buy for her and she doesn't remember how to push the call button all the time, go to the bathroom and use the pull up diapers? The staff tells me they always help her but she is constantly telling me they don't help her enough so she is VERY panic stricken over not getting helped to the bathroom. I have even signed my mom up for every two hours bathroom assistance but I know they don't come every two hours. Also, if my mom remembers to push the call button, by the time they get to her she doesn't remember why she pushed the button even though she has to go to the bathroom. Very frustrating!

pamrs1 Feb 2015
I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions. I am learning from all of you. Thank you.

IloveMom Feb 2015
sometimes you have to treat these NH as preschools for your kid.... In a way, your parents do become kids and you need to look after them...


IloveMom Feb 2015
I always suggest board and cares. Here in California, they are one story residential homes that will house 6 residents, our moms, and 2 caretakers. They are licensed facilities, either they actually own the homes, or they rent from the owners... These facilities are more "home-like enviroments" and the care takers are usually not so out numbered as in the nursing homes..Rent can be an issue, but Mom is safe.. My aunt is in one, and one of the residents is a younger person who used to leave on weekends to be with her mother and siblings.. She had some issues, but was still capable to drive and make own decisions....

This is not the answer for evryone, but it ws the answer for me and my family. If your mom needs more attention, then perhaps yoyu need to call them more often and ask if mom has been taken to the potty today or when the last time she was taken to the potty.... Make sure Mom has enough diapers on hand for them to change 3 or 6 times a day, and then call the place and ask if mom has been recently changed.. Call them more often, they will get the message. Take names of caretakers and ask for them by name.

pamstegma Feb 2015
Pamrs1 Get MD written orders for them to toilet her every 2 hours. Written orders for pull ups. Any NH runs on written orders from an MD. Not from you.

Sinshooup Feb 2015
To Pamrs: You may have done this, but try speaking to the Administrator about your concerns. Mention the same concerns that you've communicated in this post to see if a better care resolution can be acheived.

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2015
I would think that they would put her on a toileting schedule and take her every wo hours or so. Anyone else have ideas about this?


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