I have been taking care of my mom for almost 3 years. Word fishing has increased significantly for her and hearing people in the house at night is also occurring. We go to her regular doctor every three months and his report is she's doing "great". This makes her resistant to traveling an hour to go see a specialist. She insists everything is fine. That is her mantra. Any advice?
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The geriatrician became my husband's PCP, but his dementia was monitored and treated by a behavioral neurologist. The PCP was knowledgeable about the kind of dementia my husband had, and very willing and able to go along with the numerologist's treatment plan.
The right doctor can make the world of difference. Once you locate a doctor and make an appointment, follow sandwich42plus's suggestions and do whatever it takes to get Mom there. Also inform the doctor ahead of time about your specific concerns.
Do whatever will work to get mom in the car. Do not tell her what for. At that point, it's no longer up to her to go or not go. You are now taking her. Just don't be obvious about where. When you get there, park, get out, and take her inside.
If she asks what's going on or where are we, just say you have to go inside and do some paperwork for insurance. (Well, you will.) Mom, have a seat right here for a minute. Now I need to wait to talk to someone about these papers I just did.
You will need to have given the office some concerns ahead of time, one of which is "mom is declining but can excuse away and cover it up." List the phatom noises and conversational difficulties. She may have had a stroke and not know it. Without a proper evaluation, nobody will know.